Chapter 2

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Veronica and Ramona were back. They were holding some shopping bags, filled with some things they bought from the mall. Veronica opened the door.

"Mom, Veronica and I are backkkkk!!!"

DJ hugged them and asked how was their night. Of course, both said that it was fantastic and that they should definitely do it again. Then, Kimmy and Stephanie came in the living room, as well. Kimmy noticed the bags, which the girls were holding and asked them what did they buy.

"Dresses and some make-up stuff," Veronica explained.

"Why don't you wear them? Go upstairs and then, come and show us," Stephanie suggested and the girls nodded, running upstairs. Ramona was the first one to go and change. Veronica insisted that she looked stunning. Then, she changed into her dress. When Ramona saw her, her mouth dropped.

"You will kill all the guys in this planet with that dress and your gorgeous smile! Let's get other opinions, too."

The girls went downstairs in the kitchen, where everyone was waiting for them, including Jackson. Truth is, he wanted to see Veronica killing it in her new dress.

"Okay, we're ready. Shall we come in?" Veronica asked and the she-wolf pack yelled yes. Ramona walked in first and Veronica joined, too after a few seconds. When Jackson saw Veronica, everything stopped. She was literally walking in slow motion in his eyes. His mouth dropped and his eyes widened.

"Wow," was all he managed to blurt out. Veronica, who noticed his shock, chuckled and blushed slightly.

"Oh, my lanta! Girls, you are both awesome! Ahh, I need to take a pitcure of you two in those dresses,"  DJ said, ready to have a heart attack from the excitement. Stephanie and Kimmy agreed with what DJ said and they started taking pictures with their iPhones.

Jackson was still speechless. Ramona didn't even notice him, but Veronica did. She didn't think that it was a big deal, though.

Max and Tommy were sleeping upstairs, so Jackson didn't have Max to embarass him in front of everyone and especially Veronica.

"Jackson, what do you think of the girls?" Stephanie asked, bringing him back to reality.

"What? Oh, they look...nice, I guess. I'll go upstairs to brush my teeth and go to bed," he said and practically ran upstairs to avoid an awkward conversation.


In the bathroom, Jackson was looking himself in the mirror. "What's happening with me?" he whispered, but the door creaked open and snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, what's up?"

It was Veronica.

"Uhh, nothing, I'm just tired. Do you need to use the bathroom? Should I leave?" he asked.

"No, you have been in here for 30 minutes and I got worried. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Jax," Veronica said and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Jackson's face instantly turned red as a tomato and he tried to hide it with turning around and avoiding making eye contact with her.

"Night, Veronica."


The next morning, Jackson felt someone jumping on him and throwing pillows at his head. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Max. 'Of course..' he thought.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up! You're going to be late for school! Mom made you breakfast," Max yelled and Jackson mentally slapped himself.

"Oh, shit, you're right! I gotta hurry."

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