"I thought you forgot about our lunch," he replied sheepishly.

"Oh no I didn't, I was just wrapping up."

After I was done, we made our way to the cafeteria and took a seat on a table of two people.

"So tell me a little more about yourself Grace!" He excitedly munched on his hamburger.

"There is really nothing exciting about me" I shrugged, giving the same answer.

"Really? Why do I find that hard to believe?"

"Really. I'm just an ordinary drop out from a college."

"Why did you drop out?"

" Because of a situation....." He got that I was not really ready to open up about myself so instantly changed the topic.

"Ok. So you know I'm 24 years old and have been working here for three years now. My hobby is painting and I'm single."

"Really? You paint? You don't look like the artistic one honestly. No offence."

"None taken. And yes I know because I get that a lot. But you will really be shell shocked once you see my work. "

"If you say," I shrugged.

"Infact I'll paint a portrait of you as a proof".

"There really is no need for that!"

"Of course there is . After all you are my friend!" the word 'friend' shocked me  as I really didn't have any friends my entire life. I smiled lightly at him. Once we were done we left for our cabins.

It was time for a meeting with one of Mr. Knight's clients so I got ready for that. He told me that my 'presence', would be required for this one as I had to take notes.

I accompanied him to the meeting  hall as we took our places respectively. I served him a glass of water before the meeting started in case he got thirsty during the meeting. He eyed me with something reflecting in his orbs but let it pass. I sat down and finally the meeting started.

I concentrated on taking down notes while adding my pints to the discussion when required. It was time to show them the presentation that I had prepared and I was quite nervous as I was the one to deliver it.

As I was going through the presentation, from the corner of my eyes , I could see everyone was impressed with my research, even Mr Knight, but I knew the jerk wouldn't praise me for anything.

The meeting was over and successful as everyone got up to make their way out. But soon one of the clients approached Mr Knight as I stood beside him carrying his papers for him.

  "It was a pleasure dealing with you Mr Knight. I must add you have one effecient personal assistant. She truly was in the spotlight today. I would love to have someone as beautiful as her working for me as well." I got a little uncomfortable at his remarks but maintained my posture. While Mr Knight clearly stayed emotionless.

"It would be better for you to concentrate on the meeting instead of my employees next time Mr Steve. For all I know I may not like this behaviour of yours and it could cost you a very handsome deal." His voice filled with annoyance an anger.

Mr Steve paled at Mr Knight's words and squeaked out a sorry before escaping. Mr Knight turned to look at me and my eyes immediately started admiring the heels I was wearing.

"Work on the economic area more next time" he stated before walking out and leaving me behind with just one thought.

Never satisfied.


Ok so I honestly found this pretty girl on Pinterest and she looks like what I imagined Grace to be like so......

Blessing y'all with

Grace Miller......

Grace Miller

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