My 7 year old self was sure having fun. I then scanned the area to see other children laughing and playing. Together or with their parents. It made me very happy. The sun beat down on me but I kept looking around until a very intimidating sight met my eyes.

In the basketball court, a boy with blonde-Brown hair was playing. But that wasn't it. A girl was also playing there. She tried to snatch the ball from him but didn't succeed. He grinned at her and scored a basket but then started talking to her. I couldn't hear of course, but the tears glistening in the girl's eyes were enough. I knew he had to have said something hurtful and I couldn't bear to watch the girl about to cry. Especially because of a guy. At sports.

I got off the swing and rushed towards them. Soon, I reached and panted and puffed in an attempt to catch my breath. I looked back up and saw them both staring at me. I looked at the guy and found myself admiring his beautiful ocean blue eyes. Lemme tell you something bout me; striking eye colors attract me. And he was also kind of cute.

Even at 7!

"Um.....Did something happen?" I asked hesitantly, suddenly not feeling as confident. But when the boy gave me a small smirk of malice and the girl looked at me with tears, I thought otherwise.

Then he walked over to me and 'tsked'. My eyebrows knit together in confusion before anger took its place.

"Girls can't play basketball. Especially her. And then to beat ME?" He sarcastically laughed and mocked.( practically the whole female race.)

I felt myself take that as a challenge. And since basketball was one of my favourite sports, heck, it was my favourite sport (still is); I could play well and had an idea that I could beat him. My dad used to lay with me. I was young of course but I managed just fine.

Now that I look back at it; it shows how much the guy had 'player' and 'egoistic' written all over him. Even at that age. He still has. A bunch mountain of hopeless man ego and stupid smirks.

"Is that a challenge?" I rose a brow with determination filling my thoughts.

He smirked and shrugged. I clenched my jaw and told the girl to watch how I dealt with him. He gave me an amused expression but passed me the ball.

"Now I know you're trying to beat ME but.......don't embarrass yourself."

"Ha! Worry about yourself!"

"But I wouldn't want you crying if you lost. That one already did that s--" He started taunting me and I cut him off.

"Well, I'm not her. Let's see what you got."

I didn't wait for him to say something. Instead, I dribbled with the ball in my hands and my tiny feet brushing past him. I was small and so was he but that didn't stop us from playing a good game. Sure we hardly knew the game but still....

I attempted to shoot through the net but failed. The ball went straight into his hands. He grinned, broke through my already bad defense and scored a basket. I glared at him and took the ball.

He was taller than me. Unfair.

Again-I dribbled past him but having seen how my last attempt fail, I did a trick. I faked going left but went towards the right and with much force got the ball to go silent through the net. A smile took up my lips. The boy stared at me and the bouncing ball with shock for a second but regained his composure. Flashing me a grin, he continued with the game.

This kept up until both of us were tired and flushed. We reeked of sweat and felt sore. The sun had started to set sending pinks and oranges and yellows to paint the canvas of sky.

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