"Or you could just go with the gals going to deliver the food while they're working." Madame Louise offered.

I nodded immediately, too eager to find out what things they had strong enough to ward off spells. The other wolves mistaking my intention gave me coy smiles, probably indicating a longing from a night of passion that never took place. Although I was slightly disappointed, I don't think I could let myself get distracted by all that was going on right now. Or so I thought.


After a little while, we gathered the food into picnic baskets and covered them with napkins. We set out immediately with a few of them behind carrying mats. So I assumed that it was actually going to be a picnic.

"Last night was really cool Luna," one of the she-wolves beside me chirped, smiling. I couldn't recognize her at all, so I assumed she was mated, since I could recognize the details of each wolf I fought in the pit.

"Thanks, it was only fitting I did that since I put you all in trouble." I gave her a questioning look, and she understood what I wanted to know.

"Oh, mind my manners Halley, my mate is working out there as well." I nodded.

"Nonsense." The wolf I almost fought earlier, who tried to stop me from carrying anything to the... well, wherever it was we were headed, exclaimed. "You are barely the reason. We've been at war with witches for longer than I could imagine." She continued.

I think her name was ugh... Finley?

I nodded. "Well, then, I'm glad I could help."

"You did more than help. You totally took control of the problem." Finley replied.

"I know, right? I was totally shocked the Alpha let her handle it. He seems absolutely possessive." Halley argued.

"Oh, he is," I scoffed, "but he didn't really have a choice, that and plus he's not the boss of me.

I heard some choruses of 'oohs' and looks of utter bewilderment. Gosh, was everyone in this pack totally afraid and reverent of my mate? Should I be?

Nah, it would only make him cockier than he already is, though am not sure if there can be more.

As soon as we reached what seemed to be an underground bunker, all the wolves looked at us with such longing in their eyes. Although I couldn't tell if it was because of the food or their mates, that is for the guys there. The ladies were clearly hungry.

But they wouldn't dare move until Malik gave them permission to stop. Where was he, anyway? I looked around for him when I spotted a familiar shade of red. So this is where she was, should have known Aria was such a feminist. She hated staying home and letting the men do all the hard work, well so did I, but she was much more involved with fighting for dominance, especially in this kind of situation.

I walked over to where she was, a little farther from the other wolves. Her back was turned to me and I wondered was she was doing. As soon as I walked past the tree she was poking out from behind, the mystery was dissolved. My mouth fell open as I watched her in a passionate dance with Absalom. Mind you, it was a dance of the tongues. At first, I was happy that they were getting along, but seeing the entire thing, I fought the urge not to gag. They were practically swallowing each other. I shut my eyes as I scrambled away, chanting 'oh my gosh' over and over as I walked away.

I turned to look back. They were still at it. Not break for to share a passionate look or for frigging air. What were they? Whales?

"Oof!" I gasped as I slammed into a core of abs, and judging by the tingling sensation filling up my body, I could only guess it was Malik.

"What have you so flustered?" he grinned down at me.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that our best friends are eating each other's faces right now," I sighed in exasperation.

I expected a reaction from him, maybe amusement or even nonchalance, but not the annoyance or rage slightly peaking.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Told them to get a truck here about thirty minutes ago. We need to get moving." He growled. "Where are they?"

I pressed my palm against his bare chest. Big surprise, he wasn't wearing any shirt, and he was unnaturally hot.

"Stop! Let them be. Goddess knows I have been racking my brain thinking of a way to get them together. And now? They're at it all on their own. This is the first thing that has worked out for me since I got here, so stop!" I scolded.

His brows furrowed. "What do you mean by the first thing? We literally got mated yesterday Luna," he made sure to spit out the last word.

And of course, the arrogant fool will hear only what he wants to hear and make everything about him.

"And that didn't backfire?" I questioned.

I could feel his rising anger, but I continued to bait him.

"So you mean finding me backfired? "

He growled, his eyes getting brighter.

"No, I said getting mated to you did," I snapped.

"Wait a minute, unless I'm missing something weren't you the one who insisted that we get mated as soon as possible?" He shook his head "because last I remembered you destroyed this pack!"

My jaw dropped. This arrogant fool!

"My mother! My mother destroyed this pack! And I got mated to you because I was protecting all of you from her!" I yelled at him.

"Oooh, Iris, the great and mighty martyr," he mocked.

"You are just impossible!" I stomped my foot down.

"Oh, and you're not. You're the one who said getting mated to me was a mistake. How the hell am I supposed to feel about that? Huh?"

"Hey, guys?!" I heard Absalom's voice from behind me.

"Not now!" We yelled in unison.

"Well, I'm sorry. I thought I was getting mated with the love of my life, the only person on this planet that could complete me. Guess my shock to learn that while this is my once in forever, he might as well be a prostitute of mates!" I was no longer making sense, but I knew I wasn't going to stop talking anytime soon.

I could tell Malik had had it with me when he flung me up on his shoulders and walked away. As usual, I squirmed and struggled but to no avail and I couldn't even use my usual tactic because this time I was facing forward. And no way in hell was I touching him there. How could I start something I was clearly not ready to finish?

Iris: Child of prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now