Chapter 8: Anger towards the Aussie

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Logan woke up with blue blanket fluff in his mouth. "Rory?" He called, sitting up. "We're up here!" She called down. He stretched as he climbed the stairs. Celia was watching Flynn Ryder escape prison on the bed, and Rory was working at the desk. She smiled at him."Go ahead and watch that with Celie, I'll be done in like 10 minutes."

So he watched the end of Tangled, and enjoyed Chinese with his daughter and his love. The perfect evening. He fell asleep on the couch, happy.

Rory woke her daughter up early. Today was the day. She had to tell her. She had made pancakes and eggs and bacon, it had to be special.

"Here hon," she said, putting a glass of chocolate milk down in front of her daughter. "Okay, so I was hoping we could talk about your dad. But only if you're okay with that!"

"Sure,"Celia replied, taking a huge bite of pancake.

"Well,"said Rory, a little disconcerted at how easy her daughter as taking this,"the thing is, I didn't tell your dad about you. I thought he had to go take care of someone else, so I did the best thing I could. But it turns out that he didn't have to take care of someone else, and now he wants to take care of us. Would you be okay with that?"

"Yup" Celia said, adding more whipped cream to the stack of pancakes on her plate.

She was taking this way better than Rory had she cut to the chase.

"What would you say if I told you the guy on our couch is your dad."

Celia swallowed her mouthful, and then said simply:"I know."

Rory sputtered. "What do you mean you know?"

"I know, Uncle Finn told me that Logan Huntzberger was my daddy. And you said Logan is Logan Huntzberger."

Rory was angry, really angry. Finn should have kept his Aussie mouth closed.

Logan walked in sleepily, his pajama pants swishing with every step. "What are you guys talking


"Move, Logan", Rory brushed past him angrily. He watched her stomp up the stairs and then turned to Celia, and braced himself against the back of the closest chair.

 "Hey kid," Logan greeted her.

 "Hey daddy. Do you want some bacon?" She asked, holding out a plate. He had already taken a piece and started to rifle through the newspaper on the table before it registered. He looked up at her, and she smiled.

"What did you just say? I think I slept on this ear wrong and misheard you."

"I said hey daddy, want some bacon?" She clarified.

He stood straight and rubbed his neck. "Yeah, that's what I thought you said." He walked out of the kitchen("Rory...?!") and started up the stairs.

Rory was tossing things apart in her room, shoving books and blankets, and piling clothes.

"Ugh! Where the hell is it?!" She screamed.

Logan grabbed her before she could slam into a lamp and held her firmly.

"You told her! At 7am in the morning! You told her before I could even prepare, and you didn't tell me you were going to do it. She just called me daddy for the first time and I had bacon in my mouth! If anyone has a right to be angry, it's me!" He yelled.

 "I didn't tell her!" Rory screamed back. "Finn did! He told her her dad's name was Logan Huntzberger! That's how she knows! Now where is my damn phone!???"

 Logan was taken aback. " It was on the coffee table downstairs..."

Rory rushed down and Logan followed. She grabbed the phone and within 5 seconds had it up to her ear. No answer("Damn it Finn, answer your phone!" Rory yelled for a voicemail.)

"Wait, it's Saturday! He's probably still at Colin's from Guy's Night yesterday. Here give me your phone, I know the number." Logan remembered, his anger acting as sort of an emotional caffeine. He punched it in, and held it up to his ear but Rory grabbed it away.

"Colin? Yes, this is Rory. Is Finn there? YES, I want to talk to him! Put that ass on the phone right now! (She paused) Finn, you IDIOT! You lunatic! You told my daughter who her father was! What the hell man?! You had no right! I should have been the one to tell her, she is my daughter!Oh I don't care if I am on speakerphone! I hope you are humiliated and embarrassed. You don't even care that I had this all set up, how I was going to tell her! Damn it Finn! That was not your place!" She sobbed angrily.

Logan put his arm around her, and gently eased the phone away. "My turn ace. Hey Finn, so what's this I hear about you knowing I had a daughter for over 5 years and NEVER EVEN BOTHERING TO TELL ME!!!! That isn't best friend behavior, that's an enemy who should be tied up and dropped into the ocean!" He yelled into the phone.

Celia came running into the room crying. "Stop! Stop yelling! Uncle Finn!"

Rory took the phone Logan was already handing to her and gave it to their daughter, who turned around.

"Uncle Finn! Why are they so mad? I thought they'd like it. Did mommy not know Logan was my daddy? They were so loud, and I don't think Logan liked it." She whispered tearfully.

Both Logan and Rory stared at their child.

"No bean, it's not your fault at all. They're mad because I wasn't supposed to tell you about your dad. They wanted to surprise you lovey, and make it special. And when your mom and dad are mad they can get pretty loud without realizing it. I think they are just scared at how fast things are changing. Remember when I picked you up from pre-school, and you were upset because you thought your mom was going to take you to Luke's? And instead we went out for ice-cream, and you tasted Strawberry for the first time and you realized you loved it? That's what it's like for your dad right now. He's going to maybe be a little upset at first, but you are his strawberry ice-cream, bean. Your dad is my best mate, and I know he liked it very much, understand? Your daddy loves you." Finn consoled her.

She turned, and looked up at Logan who was staring at her intently.

"He's not smiling, Uncle Finn."She whispered worriedly.

Logan laughed, a chuckle at first and then a big belly laugh. He collapsed onto the couch, and leaning forward he pulled his daughter to himself. Somehow Rory got her phone back and whispered a small thank you before hanging up.

He looked into his daughter's eyes and held her by the waist.

"I promise you Celia, I am incredibly happy about being your dad. Ecstatic really. Out of everybody else in the world, you are the best daughter I could have ever, ever hoped for. I just wanted to tell you that myself, and differently. Preferably with lots of cake. Me eating bacon wasn't exactly how I wanted this to go. But, if you are okay with me being here, and trying to be a dad to you, then I am happy."

Celia only hesitated for a moment before throwing her arms tightly around him. There was no hesitation from her father when he did the same.

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