Chapter 5: Huntzberger, newspaper, yacht

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Ace? When had he gotten back to calling her ace? She was Rory last she had heard, last she had heard he was still mad.

"That's fair. How long will you be here for? What's your end goal with this? Who do you want to tell? Because I have stipulations, Logan. I know Celia, I know what she can or can't handle."

"And whose fault is that!" Logan snapped.

Okay, so not over the anger yet.

"It's my fault. But based on the information I had I thought I had made the right decision, for you, and for Celia, and for me. So as of right now I refuse to apologize about it, at least to you. You left, I had no reason to think that Odette and you weren't going to work out. You made your choice. I wasn't about to be the girl who pulled you away from the Huntzberger empire. And to be honest, I didn't want the Huntzbergers to get there hands on her. I was 19 when I let Mitchum destroy me. I was not about to let him do the same to my unborn child. You and I both know what he would have asked me to do. And that, well, it wasn't going to be an option. I couldn't. Not after what mom did for me. So I need to know exactly what you plan on doing. 'Cause it's an all or nothing kind of thing Logan. I will NOT have you in and out of my daughter's life like my dad was in mine. It's not the right way to grow up. She should be able to rely on you, and if your going to show up then it had better be every day. When I can't be there, then I am going to need you to pick her up from school. When a boy breaks up with her I want you to be there eating pizza and ice cream with her, and letting her cry on your shoulder and not through a screen. You don't get to be a Facetime dad Logan. I need you to be the real deal." Rory said, her voice growing in confidence with every word.

"Ace,"he said, covering her hand in his, " ace, I truly want to be. I want to be there for her always. Being here, seeing her, seeing you, it feels right, I guess. I dunno. This is uncharted territory for me. But I promise to be there in every possible way I can. I want to be the father that our fathers weren't. But you are going to have to give me that chance. I won't pressure you. God only knows what you've been through the past 4 years("Well, since God is a woman, I'd guess she knows pretty well," Rory interjected).You are an amazing, wonderful human being and a better mother. While I don't quite understand why you kept her from me, I can accept it. You can pace this at whatever schedule you need. All I ask is that you let this happen. Please, ace."

He watched her with those deep brown eyes of his. A small tear leaked out of her left eye, but she quickly looked down and rubbed it away.

"You okay there ace?"

She laughed,"Yeah, its just...what you said, its better than anything I could have hoped for."

She lifted her head to him and smiled at him with her baby blue eyes.

Logan grinned and opened his mouth, but whatever comment he was going to make was cut short by-

"Muuuuuummmmmmssss!!!! I can't find my jacket!"

"Why does she call you mums?" Logan laughed.

"She doesn't always, its just something she started doing when we read harry potter together,, when I told her her dad lived in London."

Logan chose to ignore the second part of her words, there was enough he needed to think about right now.

"Are you telling me that you read Harry potter to our daughter when she was 4 years old?!"

Rory laughed as she stood to help Celia, a real laugh.

"Select chapters," she answered, with a wink.

As she ran up the stairs the phone rang.

"Can you get that? I'll only be a minute!"

Logan smiled as he picked up the receiver. He knew what a minute was in Gilmore time.

"Gilmore residence."

"Who is this? Is this Kirk? You know what I've said about buying your own pop tarts!"

He laughed. " Hi Lorelai, this is Logan."

Silence, then:

"Logan, as in Huntzberger, newspaper, yacht?"

"One and the same."

" Is my daughter there?" She asked.

"She's upstairs, with Celia."

A sigh emanated from the phone. "How much do you know Logan?"

"I know that Celia is my daughter, if that's what you mean. I know that I am going to try to make this work. (He paused, and then decided to just go for it)I want another chance with this family, Lorelai. They're the closest one I've got."

Lorelai squeezed the phone tighter and smiled. This is what she had wanted for her daughter: a man willing to fight for her.

"What about Odette, London, your father?"

"There hasn't been an Odette for a while, we have a New York chapter of the HPG, and my father.......he'll get over it."

"You've got it all planned out then haven't you?"

"I have to make this right. I know it wasn't my fault that I didn't know, but as much as Rory should have told me, I should've come back for her. After Odette and everything I knew that she was the one I was in love with. I guess I was just scared, and selfish. I had already walked away from her once. I didn't want to hurt her again. And if said no to...whatever, then I didn't want to be hurt again either."

This had been what he'd thought about the whole ride to Star's Hollow. 

"Honestly, you two knuckleheads need to figure this out. If not for your own sakes then for Celia's." Lorelai said, a tad angrily. "I know I haven't always been supportive of your relationship, but I'm not blind. I can see how much you guys love each other. Work it out. Talk. You're a father now Logan. You're going to have to work with the mother of your child, and wouldn't it be great to figure out that you should try a relationship again before your daughter is old enough to mock you about your love life?".

"We will, it will just take some time. There has been a lot of time between the last time we saw each other. And there was drama before then as well. But we will get there.", Logan insisted.

"Just...don't leave Logan. Celia attaches easily, and though it may take a while to get her to admit it I know Rory still loves you. These are my girls, and trust me, if you play with their hearts I will go full on mama bear on you. Understand?."

"Completely" Logan said laughing.

"I'll let you go then."

"Wait! Lorelai, I do have one more question," he hurried, suddenly serious. "Do you know why she didn't tell me? She said it was because of Odette, but it doesn't feel like that was the whole reason."

Lorelai's voice was soft when she spoke: "I think her reasons for not telling you were pretty much the same as yours for not coming back to her. Go, get to know your daughter Logan. I will talk to you later - and tell Rory not to forget about her mother!"



Rory came down the stairs, a bundled up Celia in tow.

"Who was it?"

"Just your mom, she says not to forget about her."

She smiled and walked through the door Logan held open. He closed the door behind himself, and together the trio stepped out into the chilly autumn day.

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