Chapter 4 - That Plan A

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It has been 4 days since they started to hang-out with each other, and they have been doing it every morning. The more they hang-out, the more Gaga is fascinated to him. It is like Gaga and Taylor are opposite poles of the magnet – they always connect to each other. Well, that is what Gaga feels towards him. They have been hanging out for a while, yet Taylor has not discovered who she really is yet. Well, that is according to Gaga. She does not even want to tell him also.

They are both laughing right now as Taylor shared his moments with the cast of The Vampire Diaries.

“Like I swear, it’s hard to pronounce Ian’s surname!” Taylor chuckled. Gaga replied with a laugh, “So-mer-hal-der! Way too easy! What’s so hard about it? You’re just the idiot one, Taylor!”

“No, I’m not! If I’m one, why can I pronounce Ger-ma-not-ta easily?” Taylor asked. Gaga said, “Point taken, but it’s just like you’re saying German with an –otta at the end. Anyway, I-“

But then, Taylor’s phone is ringing. Taylor excused, “I have to take this. It’s my manager.”

“Take your time,” Gaga said. So Taylor stood up and stayed away a bit from Gaga. What he does not know is that Gaga is secretly trying to listen to their conversation, but she cannot hear them properly because he is too far. Then she remembered something that Tara told her:

“You should ask him to be your leading man!”

“Okay, thanks, bye,” those are the only words Gaga heard from Taylor. Then Taylor came back and said, “Sorry, Stef, I gotta’ go. You know… job thing.”

“I understand. I’ll just call my friend. Take care!” Gaga said, and then Taylor left. Since she is alone right now, she texted Tara:

Tara! Come over here in Starbucks! Xoxo

In no time, Tara already made it. Gaga asked, “Were you stalking us? How did you come here so fast?”

“Gaga, what the hell? I was just jogging outside! You could see it from my pit stains!” Tara said as she showed Gaga the pit stains from her gray sweatshirt. Of course, Gaga felt disgusted. “Eew! Put your arms down and order your own coffee now!”

So Tara went to the counter to order. While she is ordering, Gaga is scrolling up from her previous messages from Taylor:

I could see you from here! You look beautiful. (Thurs. 7:03AM)
I’m so excited to see you tomorrow :) (Wed. 11:37PM)
Good night, weirdo! (Wed. 11:35PM)
11:11! Make a wish (Wed. 11:11PM)
We should write a song together! That’ll be great. (Tues. 9:16PM)
I can’t believe you write songs for artists! So cool! (Tues. 8:57PM)
I’m so lucky to meet you :) (Mon. 10:15PM)

“’I’m so lucky to meet you!’  Aww, so sweet, Gaga!” Gaga did not realize Tara is reading her messages too. Gaga closed her phone. “Those are… private.”

“Private my ass! I know you like him, and it’s very evident he’s flirting with you! Oh my God, what is this, love at first sight?” Tara asked excitedly. Gaga explained, “You know love at first sight means ‘love at the first hour when you met that guy’, right-“

“Oh shit, it is!”

“It’s not!”

“You sound defensive!”

“No, I don’t!”

“You like him. End of discussion,” Tara ended the discussion. Gaga changed the topic. “Anyway, let’s just talk about the video-“

“Did you ask him about the video?” Tara interrupted. Gaga told her, “But I thought that’s the end of discussion about Taylor? And no, I haven’t asked him yet. I bet he’s not even aware I’m Gaga.”

“Because you don’t like to tell him! Like c’mon, obviously, he’s been honest to you. Why shouldn’t you?” Tara asked. Gaga exhaled deeply and admitted, “Because I don’t want him to change his impression towards me.”

“You cannot live a lie forever, Gaga,” Tara said concerned.


The next morning, Gaga went to Starbucks to wait for Taylor. She is going to admit about who she is, and if possible, invite him as well to be her leading man in the video. She thought, “Oh my gosh, today’s the day! I need to tell him I’m Lady Gaga, and I need to invite him as my leading man! Today is going to be the deadline of looking for the leading man. I hope l can convince him.”

She went inside, but she noticed she is the only customer inside. She went to the counter and asked, “Hey! What’s your name first before I continue?”

“Tony,” the teenage guy from the counter said. Gaga continued, “Anyway, Tony, have you seen Taylor today?”

“Oh yeah! He went inside in a very short while and left a note. He said I should give it to you,” Tony gave a piece of folded blue paper to Gaga. She opened the note, and it says:

Hey, Stefani!

I’m very sorry, I couldn’t make it today. My manager called me, and this is very urgent. Anyway, I would like to make it up to you tomorrow. I would really like to spend more time with you. It’s just that I have this hectic schedule today, and I have nothing else to do but to attend to it. I hope we could talk about this soon.


“Thanks…” Gaga felt sad. For her not to show this to Tony, she ordered instead, “I would like to get 3 Nutella frap, venti.”

“Are you okay?” Tony asked. Gaga lied, “Yup, I am okay.”

So she gave the payment and just waited for the barista to make her fraps. After that, she went to her usual spot, and continuously drank her frap. She thought, “What is this feeling I feel towards him? I just met him for like a week, and here I am going to cry for him? Gosh, what’s wrong with me? God, I thought I’m going to wing this shit that I’ll make Taylor my leading man in the video! That’s the only thing I wanted, but why do I feel like crying for him? Stefani, that man won’t cry for you! You’re so sensitive! Just drink that fucking frap then head back to your hotel room and tell Tara you didn’t get him to be your leading man. Just let Laurieann do her job, okay?”

She read the note one more time, and she could not take it anymore. So she just went out from the store carrying those 3 fraps and headed back to her hotel room.

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