Chapter 13; I need to heal

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Your POV

When I began to woke up, my eyelids flattered open. I took a smart breath and realized I was at the hospital. Someone said my name. I felt a warm touch on my hand, and I looked in the eyes of someone, who I broke the heart in thousand pieces.
I realized what happened and the puzzle in my head was complete.

I smiled softly and my eyes began to tear up.
„Oh god I thought ... I thought you died", he whispered heartbroken and crying.
I started crying too and tried to squeeze his hand.
I wanted to say something, tried to say I'm sorry and I love him more than anything else.

But nothing came out. I was probably too weak.

I made a mess and it's all my fault.

I made a mess and it's all my fault

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

„I love you... so much.", his eyes were puffy and red.
I wanted to kiss him, I want him next to me.
He called the nurse and a few seconds a doctor and four nurses came in.

2 weeks later

Now two weeks are gone and I feel better.
But mentally it's still a lot of work.

Maybe it needs a lifetime. But I will try my best.
They almost brought me to an other hospital, but I convinced the doctor that it would be the best for me to be around people who love me.

And he gave me the last chance.

I came out of the room where I have my therapy in.
It was 7pm now and I tomorrow I am allowed to have a free day with Will and they gave us the indoor swimming pool for us alone.

I already ate my meal and took my medicine. That's a lot of pills now, but that's my own fault.

I went to the lobby, where Poe and Will waited for me.
„Hey guys", I said and sah down between them and gave Will a small peck on the lips.
„How was therapy?", he asked
„It was okay, I guess. Like any other day. I'm very tired.", I confessed.
„Me too, we can sleep a little till 10 at my room", Will offered, I nodded.

I knowwww it's not very long and I'm really sorry I didn't update, but I was in the mental hospital again, i feel better now. I hope you still like the chapter. I will update tomorrow again. A comment and vote would be nice. I love you !

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