Chapter 1; the arrival

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Your POV

'Saint Grace' i read and let out a gasp.
I took my suitcase and entered the hospital.
Big, dark circles were under my eyes.

I just wanted to cry.

I mean, what would you do?
I was sick.
I am still sick.
But not that kind of sick.
My mental health is sick.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking right now.
Why aren't you in a hospital for mental health / psychiatry ?
The answer is simple.
They're triggering me.
There are so many people with mental illnesses and that always make me feel uncomfortable.

My aunt Barb is working in this hospital, so she decided to take me here, in a ward for people with mental illnesses.
That meant I was allowed to get out and see the world.
Also a ward for mental illnesses are a bit different to psychiatry's.

My aunt barb is working on the ward for people with cf.
Cystic fibrosis
So I went to her ward.
„Hey y/n!", someone called my name.
It was Dr. Hamid.
I know her for a long time now, because of barb.
She's working here for years and sometimes when I was visiting her, she showed me the hospital and bought me all the candy I wanted.

I gave her a soft smile.
„Hey", she said and gave me a hug.
„Nice to see you again.", she whispered.
„Yeah", i mumbled quiet.
She rubbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes.
„Y/n honey, come here", I heard barb saying, she hugged me immediately.
„So, Let's Go the the ward, i can't take a long break, too many pubescent teens who wants to do stupid and forbidden things", she laughed a bit.
We took the elevator up some floors.
When we arrived at the right floor, she went to the reception and talked with Charles, a employee.
She told me to stay there.
I just heard some things like

„That means what?"
„Where should I take her?"
„Hell, nothing's working here!"

She came back to me and said: „Y/N sweetie, this ward is completely full. They didn't tell me, so I need you to stay at my ward."
„But your ward is for people with cf and not for people with mental illnesses.", I said, kind of confused.
„Yeah i know, but there's no other way right now. But you will be treated the same way here like in the ward for mental illnesses."
I didn't say something, I just looked down the hallway.

Barb showed me my room and put down my suitcase.

„A new girl in here?", I heard a voice say.

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