We told her our order as she wrote it down. I thanked her and she walked away. I looked away from her, looking at him and he was looking at me. "What?"

      "Stop comparing yourself to other females." He said.

      "Who said I was comparing myself to her?" I raised a brow.

        "I can tell. As soon as she came over you was staring at her, examining her whole body, probably thinking you wish you could look like that until she left."

        "What if I was just thinking she's pretty. I wasn't comparing myself." I pouted a bit. "She's pretty."

       "And you beautiful. Not one female can compete witchu." He said staring at me in all seriousness.

I got butterflies as I looked away into my phone. I didn't even want to continue on this subject anymore so I stopped talking. "Guess we gotta work on your self love mamas. Shit not cool. I wantchu to see what I see. Cause you really got it."

       "I don't. I can't wear the cute stuff like these smaller girls can."

       "And they can't wear what the cute shit thick women can wear." He chuckled and I smacked my lips.

       "We barely have cute stuff. And you talking like you've been with a plus size girl. Far as I know is me."

       "Because I have." He said confidently. I can't lie and say I wasn't a little shocked. "I don't discriminate baby. Women is women."

I don't know why but him telling me this was a turn on and not in a sexual way. Not too many men think like him. Most of them are closed minded on the subject. They have this stereotype about us and it's dumb. But what's dumb is some others and myself feeling like what these men are saying is true.

"So you dated her?" I raised a brow.

"Yeah. For eight months." He slouched back in his chair, folding his arms.

"Never mentioned her."

"Because she's and ex from years ago. Why bring old things into what I'm tryna build witchu. Plus she's even mentioned right now because she was an example for me not giving a fuck about sizes."

"Interesting." I chuckled.

"Mhmm." He said and I rolled my eyes.

The waitress Tia came back with our tray of food and  drinks, placing it in front of us. "Thank you." I said.

"You're very welcome. Let me know if y'all need anything else." She smiled, walking away.

We ate and thankfully we talked about other random things. I couldn't help but to still wonder about the girl he dated. Like she wasn't a hit and quit, they was together together. I got out my thoughts as I hear his phone vibrating. He sighed picking it up. "Yo."

"I'll be there in few." He said and hung up. He felt me looking at him and looked at me. "I'm taking Monica to get the DNA test."

I nodded, finishing my food. So that's what they was texting about? "She finally agreed to it."

"Nah. But she will when we get there."

I was happy he wanted to get it done and over with her. Shes been doing the extreme most lately. What kind of person does the things she do to someone she knows doesn't want them? And maybe when it's all done she'll just not only leave him alone but me as well.

I guess ever since Monica and Candice have seen how much Anthony gives me his time, I've become a target. But it's whatever because never again will I let anyone talk to me or do me any kind of way ever again.

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