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I want to know how Johnathan Keyes gets his hair so perfect. And his nails too. Like girl, teach me your ways. Why yo hair so flawless sis? It looks fluffy as hell and the color is great. I want you to do my hair AND nails man. I won't even charge you.

John sighed as he spun around in his chair making airplane noises. Nobody had time to do anything with him. Ohm was busy with Cartoonz, Fitz was already doing something with Swagger, and Racc was doing a video with Carson.

He picked up the phone and scrolled through his contact list. That's when he spotted, 'Milky Boy 🥛❤️'. He smiled. Jaren was his best friend and the one he loved.

He dialed in Jaren's number. The phone rang once before Jaren picked up immediately.

"Hey Johnny! I missed you yesterday," Jaren said through the phone.

"I know, I know, I missed our movie night. You wanna make up for that tonight?" John asked.

"Sure! Let me pack my things for stay. Can I bring Smii7y?" Jaren questioned.

"Of course you can! You look so cute snuggling up with it bb," John cooed.

"Aw, thank you bb," Jaren said while making a kissing noise.

"Alright, well I'll see you soon," John said.

"Bye John!" John heard before hanging up the call.

John had a fond smile on his face as he ran a hand through his hair. He frowned as his hand got stuck in a tangle. John loved his hair, but it was a huge pain in the ass.

John was tender headed, so it always hurt like a bitch when he tried to brush. He usually just left it messy and tangled.

He let out air through his nose.

Jaren and Smii7y will be here in about an hour, so I guess I'll clean up the place.

John vacuumed, mopped, and sweeped his whole apartment. Everything was clean and spotless. John was fucking exhausted, but he had to stay up for Jaren.

His door bell rang and he jumped up. He tamed his hair slightly before giving up. He opened the door and was met with an adorable, baby faced, 23 year old human. (He thinks)

Jaren had a red, yellow, and blue sweater with his logo sticking out his pocket. He had very form fitting dark blue jeans and converse sneakers to top it off. Smii7y was held against his chest as Jaren had a huge gummy smile on his face. John returned the smile as he picked up Jaren and threw him over his shoulder.

"John! Put me down you fat bitch!" Jaren laughed as he banged his fists on John's back.

John threw him down on the couch and launched the remote at him while saying 'Pick a movie'.

Jaren bitch slapped him and threw a pillow at him. This then turned into an all out war that went on until Jaren pulled John's hair.

John roared in pain while Jaren jumped back.

"John, are you okay?" Jaren asked worried.

John waved him off and said,"I haven't brushed my hair in awhile and it just hurt. You're good." 

"Let me brush it!" Jaren said excitedly.

"I don't know, Jaren. It's really tangled," John answered but Jaren was already running off to get a hairbrush.

He came back and ordered John to sit. They usually watched oldies, so Jaren picked the movie "Life" with Eddie Murphy in it. 

John braced himself for the inevitable pain but it never came. Jaren's soft strokes (of his hair you dirty-) gently pulled the tangles out. They laughed as the movie got progressively funnier and John started getting sleepy.

As Jaren finally got done brushing John's beautiful, soft hair, he heard the light snores of his best friend. He softly smiled and put a blanket over John's tall frame. He wiggled in the crevice beside him and curled into John's chest. He felt John put an arm around him and he felt safe.

Jaren closed his eyes and snuggled Smii7y and John closer to him.

What they didn't know, was that Craig and Tyler were peeking at them through the window and snapping pictures.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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