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They're kids so I don't really know if I should put a ship name up there. Hey, if I get arrested will one of y'all send me snacks in a Bible?

Jonathan was extremely nervous. Today was his first day of 2nd Grade. The school had agreed to let him keep his mask, so he was slightly less nervous now. He clutched his teddy bear to his chest.

Jonathan named the teddy Delirious. He carried it everywhere and slept with it every night. They were inseparable. Now that he had Delirious, he was calmer and excited to go to school.

He had one hand holding his moms and the other holding Delirious as they entered the school. Jonathan tuned out the voices of his mom and the lady at the desk, instead opting to look around.

Banners hung from the columns and the lockers were blood red. The floor was slightly cracked and so was the ceiling. He saw a student go into the boy's bathroom. Then another kid emerged from the shadows. That's when he really noticed him.

The kid was adorable. He had a red jacket and a backpack on. He had black hair that was styled into a quiff and a wicked grin on his face. He was obviously Canadian and Asian. He saw the kid go to the water fountain and turn the sprout to where it was facing the front. He heard the kid giggle before he returned to his hiding spot.

They both watched the kid from the bathroom try to drink the water but end up with his shirt drenched and mouth dry. Jonathan snickered and he heard the Canadian kid giggle.

He turned towards him. That's when their eyes met. Electric blue and earth brown. Jonathan waved at the kid and the kid shyly waved back. He beckoned the kid over with a smile. His mask was raised so his mouth could show. The kid shuffled out of the shadows and moved towards him.

When he was finally at arm's length, Jonathan introduced himself.

"Hi! I'm Jonathan Dennis! What's your name?"

"E-Evan Fong," Evan mumbled.

"Nice to meet you, Evan. By the way, I thought your water fountain prank was great," Jonathan said while slightly chuckling.

Evan's eyes widened in surprise.

"Y-you saw that? A-aren't you going to snitch?" Evan stammered.

"I may be a bitch, but not THAT kind of bitch. Your secret's safe with me, Ev," Jonathan said matter-of-factly.

Evan was so surprised that he went into hysterical laughter. Jonathan looked at the amusing sight and started to do his full-on crazy laugh.

"D-dude, your laugh, it's amazing," Evan said still out of breath from his absolute breakdown.

"T-thanks yours too," Jonathan replies equally out of breath.

They looked at each other and almost burst into laughter again, but held it in.

"So does this mean you're my first friend?" Evan said somewhat quietly.

"Of course it does! And now you're MY first friend, too!"
Jonathan said happily.

Evan broke into a grin.

"Hey, is that a teddy bear?" Evan asked curiously

"Uh yeah, I know it's kind of childish but he helps me," Jonathan said with his face in a frown.

Evan unzipped his backpack and pulled out an Owl stuffed animal.

"This is Vanoss. He helps me, too! What's your bear's name?" Evan asked.

Jonathan visibly brightened up.

"This is Delirious! Him and Vanoss can be best friends just like us!" Jonathan said loudly.

Evan quieted him down.

"Yeah! They can, too!" Evan responded.

Then Evan tilted his head at him. His eyes squinting.

"What are you squinting at me for?" Jonathan questioned.

"Why do you have a mask on?" Evan queried.

"I'm kind of insecure so I wear this mask. It's no big deal." Jonathan answered frowning again.

"Well, I'm your best friend, so you have to show me now, too." Evan said while still squinting his eyes.

"Can you even see?" Jonathan said with a giggle.

"You racist fuck. Now don't change the subject," Evan said giggling as well.

"Fine," Jonathan said while pulling his mask up slowly.

Evan did not know why Jonathan hid his face.

He had black silky hair that was messed up because of the mask. He had a straight nose and a slightly angular face. But his eyes were even more blue than when he had the mask on. Almost like they were glowing.

"I don't see why you hid your face you're fucking handsome," Evan said still taking in Jonathan's face.

Jonathan blushed and let out a small 'thank you, you too'.

Evan was blushing now, too and was about to respond before Jonathan's mother interrupted and said,"Who is this young man, Jonathan?"

"This is Evan! He's my new best friend!" Jonathan said excited.

She was even more surprised when she noticed Jonathan had his mask off. She smiled. He's never done that before. I'm so proud. (Now if only he could give us that face reveal for fucks sake.)

"Well it's time to go home now. We're officially registered and school starts tomorrow for you. Evan, if your mother is okay with it, would you like to come over for a sleepover?" Jonathan's mother said kindly.

Evan's face had a huge smile on it as he ran away to ask her.

He ran back and yelled, "She said yes!" while jumping onto Jonathan.

Jonathan staggered before hugging him back excitedly.

This was the beginning of the love story between Jon and Evan.

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