Chapter 505: Domineering Melancholic

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Translator: Hellscythe_ Editor: Hellscythe_

White River City, inside one of Candlelight Trading Firm's forging rooms:

Melancholic Smile was currently busy forging Basic Strengthened Armor Kits.

There were simply too many players in White River City. With just the three of them producing the Basic Strengthened Armor Kits, it was impossible to satisfy the demand of so many players. Had they not produced a large number of the kits early on, their supply would have long since depleted.

"Sister Smile, there are two people on the first floor looking to discuss business with you."

"I understand. Like the others, have them wait in the reception room for now. I'll head over once I finish my work."

"But, one of them is claiming to be Overwhelming Smile's Guild Leader."

"Overwhelming Smile's Guild Leader?"

Melancholic Smile could not help but pause.

As one of the tyrannical Guilds in White River City, it was far ahead of other Guilds. Their funds and member count were also plain for all to see.

A Lifestyle Guild's direction of development was completely different than Combat Guilds'. In other words, there should not be any conflicts of interest between the two.

However, a Lifestyle Guild did not possess any combat capabilities. When producing certain items, plenty of rare materials were required. Meanwhile, many of these materials dropped from Dungeons. Hence, Lifestyle Guilds would usually cooperate with some Combat Guilds.

In such a relationship, the Combat Guild in question would be responsible for supplying the rare materials, while the Lifestyle Guild would offer some discounts and give priority on sales of certain items to said Combat Guild.

"Hahaha! Just in time," Melancholic Smile said. "I'll head over there now."

Saying so, Melancholic Smile tidied up the materials on the table and headed downstairs.

In the reception room on the first floor, many of White River City's Guilds had sent representatives to the Candlelight Trading Firm to discuss potential cooperation. However, when a man and a woman entered, the entire reception room's atmosphere sank.

Everyone in the room immediately focused their attention on this pair of new arrivals, the woman in particular. Practically every Guild in White River City knew who she was.

This woman was none other than the Guild Leader of Overwhelming Smile's White River City branch, Youlan.

"The Candlelight Trading Firm sure knows how to treat its guests, to actually make us wait here with other Guilds." Feng Xuanyang swept a glance at the reception room, frowning slightly with discontent at the Firm's arrangements.

Youlan did not comment on Feng Xuanyang's statement. Instead, she only sat down and waited quietly.

Although Overwhelming Smile was a powerful Guild with ample funds, the Candlelight Trading Firm was no ordinary existence, either. The fact that it had been able to purchase two of White River City's golden Lands in such a short time displayed the Firm's powerful backing.

A short moment later, Melancholic Smile entered the reception room. Immediately, the atmosphere in the room relaxed significantly as the occupants promptly stood to welcome her, smiling.

"Everyone, please sit," Melancholic Smile said after glancing around the room.

Every player in this room was a big shot at the peak of White River City. Melancholic Smile never thought that the day would come where she would become one of these supreme characters as well. Before this, she was merely a Forging Apprentice who Guilds would casually chase away, someone who relied on forging to earn some meager living expenses.

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