Chapter 461: Exceeding Potential

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Translator: Hellscythe_ Editor: Hellscythe_

When the sun set, Shi Feng had already been in deep slumber for over a dozen hours.

_Di! Di! Di!_

The virtual gaming cabin inside the bedroom continuously let out a warning sound.

At this moment, the Nutrient Solution inside the virtual gaming cabin was already depleted.

After the alarm of the gaming cabin rang for some time, the cover of the cabin suddenly opened.

"So tired." Shi Feng opened his eyes and unwillingly climbed out of the virtual gaming cabin. He then took a look at the time. "What? I've actually slept for 18 hours!"

Although he had exceeded his mental limit once again, it was not as severe as the first time. Even so, he had still slept for such a long time...

"Just what is going on here?"

After Shi Feng woke up, his entire body felt drained. Even the Nutrient Solution he had refilled just a few days ago was completely exhausted.

Normally, a full tank of Nutrient Solution could last a player 15 days. The previous time Shi Feng had exceeded his limit, some Solution still remained. Now, however, the tank was completely emptied...

However, compared to the matter of the Nutrient Solution's depletion, his body's current condition was much more inconceivable for Shi Feng. Not only was his body extremely weak, but he also felt a piercing hunger that he had never felt before. He was so hungry that he could eat an entire cow right now.

Although Shi Feng did not understand what was going on, he did know that, if he did not replenish his body's nutrients at once, he could very well faint from hunger.

He immediately retrieved the two bottles of S-rank Nutrient Fluid he had set aside for his parents.

At this moment, Shi Feng could clearly tell that the hunger he was feeling did not come from his stomach. Instead, it was his body that starved of energy. Even eating a meal would not sate this hunger. What he needed to do right now was replenish the energy of the cells inside his body. Meanwhile, the S-rank Nutrient Fluids were the best solution for this problem.

After removing the cap, Shi Feng directly gulped down a bottle of S-rank Nutrient Fluid.

When the S-rank Nutrient Fluid reached Shi Feng's intestinal tract, the originally cooling liquid suddenly transformed into a warm current that moved through his blood, re-energizing his entire body.

Five minutes after drinking the S-rank Nutrient Fluid, Shi Feng felt much more comfortable than before. His spirit had also recovered significantly, and his body was no longer trembling as it had before.

The value of one million Credits was really not overstated.

However, this feeling only lasted for a short while before the feeling of hunger flooded his mind once more. He felt as if he was a wolf that had been starving for three consecutive days; a bite of meat was simply not enough to sate him. The hunger he was feeling right now was even more intense than earlier.

_Is one bottle not enough?_ Shi Feng was speechless.

A single battle actually required him to sacrifice two bottles of S-rank Nutrient Fluids.

_No choice._

Shi Feng could only remove the cap on the last bottle of S-rank Nutrient Fluid and empty its contents.

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