Become A Ghost, Chapter Twenty-Three

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Orihime came awake in the space between one heartbeat and the next, eyes flying wide at the sensation of garganta opening somewhere in Soul Society. She jackknifed into sitting up and flung away her quilt, shedding her pajamas and scrambling into her shihakusho. This could be bad, very bad. Her healing abilities were sure to be needed.

Hanatarou's reiatsu raced toward her; she shoved open the door with her elbow while tying her hair up into a ponytail and poked her head into the hallway.

"It's all hands on deck! They're sending out teams to investigate!" Hanatarou informed her, breathless, his eyes the size of saucers.

"I'm ready." She snatched her medical supply bag off the chair and began to run from the building with him, buckling the bag around her as she went.

The courtyard was chaotic, with soldiers from what seemed like all thirteen divisions milling about as teams were assembled in haste. Orihime spotted Ikkaku craning his neck to peer over all the heads, in search of someone. When his eyes fell on her and his face brightened, she realized he'd been looking for her. He powered through the masses to reach her.

"We need you," he told her without preamble.

"You've got me!" she replied, forcing a bit of cheer though her insides were in tumult. "I'll keep everyone in one piece!"

The Eleventh's team was headed by Ikkaku and Yumichika, with twenty-two other lower-ranked shinigami.

"What we find will probably be some heavy shit," Ikkaku informed them in his version of a pep talk. "I'm leading half of us to one location, Yumi's taking the other half to the second."

He reached past Orihime and yanked Hanatarou into the big circle formed by the group of shinigami. "Orihime-chan and this little shrimp are our medics, and it's the responsibility of every damned one of you to protect them. If they get hurt, you better pray an Arrancar kills your ass, cuz otherwise I will."

"Or me," Yumichika added prettily. Orihime felt touched at their concern, though it was probably more of a case of 'if the healers can't heal, we're all screwed' on their part.

"Everyone ready?" Ikkaku glanced at Orihime, who gave a quick nod. "Okay, let's go!"

An hour after the cataclysmic-seeming, mysterious event, the captains met at First Division.

"Doubtless many of you have felt disturbances and unusual presences in reiatsu earlier tonight," Yamamoto began.

"A garganta," said Kenpachi. He was very proud to have been able to recognize the sensation of one, and to contribute some intel. It didn't happen often.

"Two garganta," murmured Byakuya. He felt Kenpachi's irritation to be corrected, and smiled on the inside.

"Thank you, gentlemen," Yamamoto said sourly, not sounding appreciative in the least. "Two garganta did indeed open from Hueco Mundo less than a half-hour ago. Kurotsuchi-taichou?"

The scientist took over with alacrity. "Our sensors detected the first garganta was in East Rukongai, District 41."

Byakuya closed his eyes, sifting through his memories. Why was District 41 nudging at him? Something about it was important...

Mayuri continued, "The second garganta opened at almost the same time, far outside Rukongai's boundaries." 

The sudden alertness that arose among the captains said that they were aware of the significance of the location.

"The prison..." breathed Shinji.

"Aizen," Hitsugaya growled.

"Gone," pronounced Yamamoto, his face grim.

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