Become A Ghost, Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed in my entire life," complained Tatsuki as they walked toward her (formerly Orihime's) apartment. ("I've spent so much time in this dump, it already feels like home," was her explanation, along with a few strategic punches when accused of being overly sentimental).

"Me, either," agreed Orihime, trying to juggle the bags in her arms so they didn't ache so much at the weight of what she was carrying. Not for the first time, she was jealous of Tatsuki's superior strength. "Is my face still purple?"

Tatsuki glanced over at her friend's countenance. "It's only red now. In an hour, it'll be down to pink."

"I thought Kurosaki-kun was going to have an aneurism," Orihime said with a giggle. She would treasure his expression of horrified shock for the rest of her life.

"Uryuu took it all surprisingly in stride," Tatsuki commented. "Still waters run deep with that one."

"Oh, don't say things to make him sound all ominous and weird." Orihime nudged her shoulder into her friend's arm. "He just has better control over his exterior than most people. Like Byakuya-sama; he has reactions just like everyone else, he just hides them better."

"Whatever, whatever. I still think Uryuu's a closet perv," Tatsuki said with a yawn. "At least he keeps it hidden; Chizuru is so out-there I don't know whether to be grossed out or just exhausted by it."

"I'm a little of both." But there was a feeling prickling the edges of Orihime's psyche, and it was not nausea; it was that uneasy awareness of an approaching Hollow. "Oh, poop."

"Poop? Where?" The other girl looked around, wanting to make sure she didn't step in any, until she heard the telltale roar in the distance. "Oh."

Orihime was already looking around for somewhere to stash her bags and gigai; she fished the keychain out of her pocket and pressed it to her forehead. The gigai dropped to the ground like a rock, leaving Orihime standing there in her own body, wearing the shorts and t-shirt she'd had on when she'd left Soul Society. Thrust through her waistband was her zanpakuto, and she fingered the hilt for reassurance before turning to Tatsuki with a smile.

"Take care of our things while I kill it, okay, Tatsuki-chan? I think it's a weak one, it won't take long."

"Orihime-" began Tatsuki, who wanted to wait until the inevitable arrival of Ichigo or Uryuu, but Orihime was already gone, using her newfound shunpou ability to rocket skyward until she was level with the Hollow's head as it rounded the corner of a building, aimed right for them.

"Grawrrrrgh!" it bellowed, reaching out an immense, clawed hand to seize her petite body. Orihime flung out a hand, and her triangular shield exploded into existence right into the Hollow's path while Orihime flash-stepped clear of its grasp. A second later, it crashed into the shield, too slow to avoid it.

"Graughuuuh?" It shook its head, trying to clear away the fog from the collision, and turned-

-only to get split in half right down the middle, from head to crotch, as Orihime flung out her other hand and Tsubaki shot forward to do his thing.

"Graoooouuugh," it said, sounding mournful, as it dissolved into the clear night air.

The golden points of light that were Orihime's fairies zipped back to her zanpakutou, merging with it as she flash-stepped to her friend's side. "All done!" she said cheerfully.

"So weird to watch you do that," Tatsuki said, shaking her head in amazement. "You're like a superhero, now... zipping around in mid-air, killing Hollows like a boss... you don't even need a sword like Ichigo and the rest."

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