Flicker - a Roblox Story

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Okay so before you read I would like to say- No i'm not quitting my other stories it's just I have no ideas and time to work on them so please help me out lol and this is just for fun sooo lol

Also there is murder so be prepared

Lights Pov:

I woke up in a dark room full of people- except for my friends, Alex, Zach, Drake, Jade and my best friend Jaxx

It was funny how everybody in the squad was dating each other but me and Jaxx were lobely...

You see for a little while now I've had a crush on him- like a big one, but he probably just sees me as his best friend

but I don't want to tell Jaxx how I feel because I don't want him to think I'm weird and leave me...

Oh wait yeah- we are in a dark room right

Before waking the others up I quickly kissed Jaxx on the cheek

Once everybody was awake we looked around

Alexs Pov:

Me and the squad looked around the still semi dark room and at all the people on the floor...

I noticed something suspicious about Drake but then I heard a loud announcer and everybody on the floor woke up

The announcer said:

Welcome to the Flicker House each of you have different roles, some are good some are bad, there is a leader on both the bad and the good teams, the murderer is the leader of the bad team and the detective is the leader of the good, the good team has to eliminate everyone on the bad team and the bad team has to eliminate everyone on the bad team, except one person is a clown which is on neutral team, they have to eliminate everyone regardless of the team and be the last one standing, oh and by eliminated I mean killed Or you could be eliminated by vote and at the end of the whole game everybodys roles will be revealed You each get a journal and inside is your role, don't tell it to anybody, nobody can be trusted When you write in your journal if you die it will be read out loud, so start preparing...

Then everybody started talking

I looked at my journal, I was detective and leader of the good team, I wondered what the others got

Zach's Pov:

I got spy on the good team

Drakes Pov:

I got assassin on evil team


I got dark psychic on evil team


I got savior on good team


I got murderer on evil team

3rd person Pov:

Then the announcer said:

now that you know your roles let's get to know the other contestants, We have Alex, Zach, Jade, Drake, Light, Jaxx, Kai, Lukey, Adora, Jo, Zaharah, Alab, Veronica and Chlorine

( Kai is medic, Lukey is a survivor, Adora is dark spy, Jo is survivor, Zaharah is a survivor, Alan is also a survivor, Veronica is a clown, Chlorine is muffin man )

Alex's Pov:

I was kind of glad that there were other people here besides the squad or else I would think they were all evil, maybe everybody else is... none of my friends would kill somebody... right?

Then the lights started flickering and it got really loud, then I heard a knife stabbing.

Soon the lights started flickering on when the announcer said " Chlorine has been eliminated "
His body parts were hung on a shelf. I covered my eyes- I hate murder. I decided to look for clues and write them down.

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