The Eviction Crisis

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My name is Y/N, I wouldn't say that there was anything special about me, I was just a regular guy with a regular life, nothing special

My job is being a personal driver, driving people to their desired location for a fee of 14 dollars per adult, 5 dollars per child, 7 dollars per teenager, a price that is within reason, and good for profit and business

I didn't have a girlfriend or kids or anything, so my life was pretty easygoing, I had little to nothing to worry about

Until, one day...

Y/N's POV:

I sat down on my couch while holding my eviction notice paper in my hands, this shocked me completely, but the reason for my eviction was even more unbelievable, apparently they were going to tear down the apartment to make space for a parking lot for an amusement park that they were going to build as well

"This is unbelievable, now where will I live?" I asked myself, I began to think of my options, however, there weren't many options for me to choose from.

There weren't any apartments or houses around me that were for sale, I couldn't move back in with my parents because once I moved out they told me that I could never move back, and I wouldn't dare to ask any of my "friday friends" to let me stay with them until I could get back on my feet...

I sighed, and stood up from my couch. I put the eviction notice folded away in my left pocket as I walked to my kitchen to get a drink of apple juice from my refrigerator, but once I opened the door to my fridge, I learned that there was no juice in the fridge, in fact, the fridge was completely empty

"Sigh, I guess that I'll be going to the store tonight" I said to myself, since I was already wearing shorts and a shirt, I put on my shoes, and grabbed my wallet along with my apartment keys and car keys. I exited my apartment, and shut the door behind me before locking it.

I exited the apartment building where I could see most of the other tenants putting their belongings in the moving trucks, I could see that they were undoubtedly angry while some of the children looked to be sad as they had to say goodbye to their friends

'That stupid land lady sold the property for 250,000 dollars, and now over 100 people have lost their homes. That's just not right...'

I walked over to my car, and unlocked the car door just before I opened it. I got inside of my car as I sat down in the driver seat, and close the door before locking it and switching my car on. I carefully drove my car out of the apartment complex, and began driving to the store.

The grocery store was not too far by car, just about about 3 miles, however, a quiet night drive sounded pretty tempting right about now. I made a detour, and turned my car for the long open road that was going to the next city that was 25 miles away

I pressed the button for my windows to roll down to let in the cool night air, the silence on relaxing, cool night drive was very pleasant, much more pleasant than a busy, hot daytime drive. I turned on the radio to listen to a few songs


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