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Harriet's introduction to Narcissa Malfoy was similar to that of the lady's husband

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Harriet's introduction to Narcissa Malfoy was similar to that of the lady's husband. Narcissa merely shook it before pulling Harriet into a gentle embrace, one which was oddly pleasant, and Mrs. Malfoy was soon informed of Harriet's unfortunate incident with the Floo network. She cast another Cleaning charm on the second-year, not that the girl needed this one either.

Harriet also informed the Malfoys that she was supposed to be on a shopping trip with the Weasleys. All three made slight faces when they heard this, thinking thoughts of how they felt bad for the fellow Gryffindore having to be with such people. The girl further mentioned that she was staying with Blaise until the end of summer, which seemed to please them endlessly. Draco even confided that the caramel-skinned boy had invited him over the last day before break ended.

After hearing about her circumstances, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy decided to take Harriet shopping with them, saying that they could always return her to the Weasleys' care later.

Soon afterwards, their conversation took on a life of its own. Narcissa told Harriet and her son several stories from her school days, including the time she had turned Filch into a bugbear for being nasty to her sister, Bellatrix, and had given him to Hagrid as a pet. The two of them were almost choking with laughter as they moved through the crowded Diagon Alley, thinking about how Hagrid was with interesting animals and knowing that Filch's two day stay with the giant had to have been quite the experience.

The group of four drifted to Gringotts, where they made withdraws from their accounts without even having to ride the cart and, in Harriet's case, without even having a key. She simply told them who she was, let them take a drop of blood, and the money was hers. It made a nice change from having to go at break-neck speeds through the tunnels, though she did miss riding on the carts.

It was on their way to the apothecary that the group finally hit a snag in their plans. Harriet felt a familiar person coming up rapidly behind them, and she only had time to turn around when Molly Weasley rushed over to them. The woman grabbed Harriet forcefully by the shoulder and dragged her away, completely ignoring the girl's muffled cry of pain and Draco's protests.

It took the adult Malfoys less than a second to follow. They were about to object as well, but Harriet's expression silenced them.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy," the Gryffindore called to them as she was dragged away. "Thank you for everything. I'll see you later, Draco."

She silently stared at his sad face, Narcissa's shocked one, and Lucius' murderous expression before she lost them in the crowd. Molly Weasley pulled her forcefully through the throng of people and over to a hoard of redheads with a token bushy-haired brown one thrown in for good measure. Harriet idly wondered why Neville wasn't with them.

"Harriet," Mr. Weasley panted as he ran up to her, the others following in his wake. "We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far." He mopped his glistening bald patch. "I'm so glad that Molly found you."

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