Chapter 12: Distraction

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Very short I apologize but I really wanted to at least give you guys something.

Tooru's POV

"Of course I love you, more than you know. I never stopped. 3 years and you were constantly on my mind, no matter who I was with. I just need some time before I come back to you." 

"Tooru, wake up you've got class." I was awakened from my dreams that replayed the events from last night by a soft voice. That voice obviously belonged to the love of my life. 

"I don't wanna." I groaned and buried my head further into her soft hair, hearing that angelic giggle of hers.

"Get up you're heavy!" She yelled as she tried to push me off of her while laughing.

"Fine, fine." I said while finally getting up to get ready. (F/N)'s phone rang and she took one look at it before scoffing and pressing the decline button. "Who was it?" I asked as I walked over to my closet.

"Toryn. He keeps calling and begging for me to come back." She said while sighing and running a hand through her hair.

"What a dumbass." I said with a chuckle.

"I was actually, um, thinking of it." She said nervously. My heart dropped.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked while tensing up.

"No, are you fucking dumb?" She said while falling into a fit of laughter.

"Fuck you." I mumbled.

"No, you do it." She replied.

"Don't tempt me (F/N)."

"Sorry Tooru."

- A Couple Weeks later-

"Tooru." (F/N) called to me while closing her textbook and running her hands through her hair all frustrated, then taking off her glasses to rub her eyes.

"Hm?" I hummed from her side while still reading from my textbook.

"I need a distraction." She said. I immediately slammed my book closed and threw off my glasses.

"Say less." I said while smirking and leaning into her. Recently, that's been her code for a make out session, and who am I to deny her? We haven't become anything serious, only a few make outs here and there, but I'll get to where I want eventually. She giggled while giving me a quick kiss and then pulling away, causing me to groan.

"Not that kind of distraction dummy." She said while giggling again. 

"What kind of distraction then?" I asked, even I could recognize the disappointment in my voice.

"Just talk to me for a bit." She said while laying her head on my lap.

"Uh, okay. Isn't it crazy that Iwa-Chan is going to be married soon?" I asked while running my fingers through her hair.

"The wedding isn't going to be for another year but yea, I can't believe it. I always thought I'd be the first of us to get married." She replied.

"Who's fault is it that you aren't." I mumbled under my breath, disappointing with my progress.

"Mine." She mumbled.

"I'm joking, don't take me serious." I said so she wouldn't be upset.

"No but you're kinda right." She said while sitting up. "I shouldn't have went to America."

"You're damn right you shouldn't have, but it happened and it's in the past now. You're home now and that's what matters." I said while smiling and placing a hand on her cheek. She smiled at me.

"You're right, I'll shut up now." (F/N) said with a smile.

"You better! We can only have this conversation so many times love." I said while rubbing her cheek with my thumb.

"Yea, yea. Now, I need an actual distraction." She said with a smirk.

"Say less." I said while smiling and leaning into her.

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