Chapter 4: Party Time

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Your POV

I stood in my room, looking through the window, waiting to see the lights turn on in Tooru's room so I could know that he's safe at home and not still in the tree. I feel so bad. I love him so much and I only ever want his happiness. I got ready for the party and checked one last time before I go to see his lights on. I sighed of relief and left to go pick up Toryn. 

I love you Tooru, one day maybe, we will be back together.

Oikawa's POV

"Finally. we thought you would never come." Makki said while opening the door for me.

"Shut up." I mumbled as I walked past him. I headed straight to where the drinks were.

"Hey captain." Matsukawa said jokingly while coming up next to me to get himself a drink to. "So, what's with (F/N)'s boy toy?" He asked me.

"Dunno. Why don't you ask her." I mumbled angrily.

"Chilllll. No need to bite my face off. If it makes you feel any better, you're better looking than him. He's also a bitch, I don't like him too much." He replied.

"Obviously I am." I scoffed as I looked at the pair who were talking to Iwa-Chan and Katsumi.

"They won't last, trust me." He said, then walked away with a wink. I fixed myself another drink while sighing, this was going to be a long night. 


"(F/N), I dare you and Oikawa to play 7 minutes in heaven." Makki said with a smirk. My heart dropped as (F/N) turned to look at me, surprise written all over her face.

"Not cool Makki." I said while looking at him. 

"What the fuck man!" Toryn yelled.

"Calm down Toryn. We aren't going to do anything." (F/N) mumbled while getting up. "Come on Tooru." She said while walking ahead of me. I followed her into an empty bedroom and closed the door. She sat down on the bed and patted the area next to her, signaling for me to sit. 

"I won't touch you. I promise." I said while sitting down. 

"I know you won't." She replied. "You're not that dumb."

"So, what do we do for the next 7 minutes?" I asked while laying down on the bed.

"Talk, I guess." She replied.

"Tell me," I started while sitting back up "Is he good to you? Does he make you happy?" I asked while looking the girl in the eyes, looking for a hint of anything that said no.

She sucked her lips in, biting her bottom lip before she spoke "Yea he is, and yea he does. I really love him." She said while looking away.

"Good." I replied, laying back down. 

"Tooru?" She called. I hummed, she looked at me and spoke again "I love you, I really do."

"Stop saying that." I said while sitting up and looking away from her.

"No. I want you to know that." She said.

"I can't keep listening to you say that when it isn't in the way I want it to be. So just please, stop." I said. She sighed and laid down.

"How did shit get so fucked up?" She asked.

"You went to America, that's how." I said while laying next to her.

"You're right." She mumbled, grabbing my hand and playing with it. "I'm sorry." She mumbled again.

"Don't apologize, you're just doing what's best for yourself." I replied, causing her to sigh.

"Was it really best, though?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, confused.

" I could've got the same education here, American education isn't all that. It was just the thought of going somewhere new. I wouldn't have risked everything if I stayed. We wouldn't be in the pits right now." She said, mumbling the last part under her breath. 

Your POV

"It's okay (F/N), stop worrying about it. You're happy aren't you?" He asked me, looking at me with those beautiful eyes of his. I smiled at him, covering up how I really felt.

"I am, I really am." I said with a smile. I didn't want him to know how miserable I was in America, how all I wanted was to come back home. How happy I am to be home. I don't want to leave. I don't want to go back over there. 

"Times up! Is it safe to enter?" Takahiro yelled. We both sat up as I let go of Tooru's hand that I was playing with. 

"Shut up Makki." Tooru said as he got up and opened the door.

"No way you both still have your clothes on." Takahiro whined.

"Better luck next time Takahiro." I said while patting his shoulder and walking out.  I walked over to my boyfriend and stood next to him. I watched as Tooru went to go fix himself another drink and sighed. He's going to get blackout drunk tonight and it is going to be all my fault.

Oikawa's POV

I woke up to find myself in the passenger seat of my own car. I looked to see who was driving, "Iwa-Chan?" I asked, confused.

"You're finally up," He said, "You got wayy to drunk for your own good and passed out in Makki's room. I had Katsumi take my car home so I can drive you." Iwa-Chan explained. 

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"You're heavy as fuck, you better be grateful." He said and I scoffed, waking up a little and sitting up. "(F/N) again, isn't it?" He asked.

"Yea." I replied while looking out the window. 

"Take my advice for gods sake, work on getting over her." He said while sighing.

"It's not that-" I started

"It's not that easy." He cut me off, "I know, trust me, but you will learn to, I promise." He said.

"This is the nicest you have ever been to me Iwa-Chan." I said with a small smile.

"Shut up Shittykawa. Don't expect it to last." He replied, returning to his usual self.

"There's the Iwa-Chan I know!" I said with a laugh. I've been so caught up by his sister that I forgot I had another bestfriend who was with me right now, driving my drunk ass home because I couldn't do it myself.


I did't give enough Iwaoi friendship moments in the last book so I must fix it now!!

|ON HOLD| All Over Again {Book 2} Oikawa X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora