Chapter 5: Decisions

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Two Days Later

Oikawa's POV

"Baby if you're not happy in America, just transfer back home. We would love to have you back near us." I heard (F/N)'s dad say to her. I was upstairs hanging out with Iwa-Chan when I walked out to go get a drink of water from the kitchen, where it seems that (F/N) and her parents were speaking. I stopped myself before walking into the kitchen to listen to the conversation.

"It's not that easy dad. I'm not even sure if my credit is transferable. My friends back in America would be so heartbroken if I didn't go back, and not to forget Toryn..." She started.

"Honey you're going to come home anyways. It's better for you if you come early. You'll be happy back at home." Her mother's soft voice spoke.

"I know you're both right," (F/N) mumbled, "But I don't know if I can bring myself to do that."

"Think about it baby. You got time." Her father said, then places a kiss on her head. 

"I'm going to go see Toryn now." (F/N) said while getting up. I took this as my chance to walk in without then knowing I was eavesdropping.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything, just wanted a drink." I said with a smile. 

"You're all good my dear." Mama Iwaizumi said with a kind smile.

"Did you hear any of that, Tooru?" (F/N) asked.

"Hear what?" I asked, acting clueless. She just smiled and walked out. I got my drink and was about to leave when I was stopped by her fathers voice.

"We're still rooting for you. Forget the American boy." He said while waving his hand in a shooing motion, it made me laugh.

"Thanks Mr. Iwaizumi, but I think that ship has sailed and I'm not on it." I replied with a small chuckle.

"Trust me, it hasn't." He replied. I just smiled and went back upstairs. (F/N) might be staying, this changes everything. Mr. Iwaizumi was right, maybe I do have a chance.

"What took you so long dumbass?" Iwa-Chan asked when i got back into his room.

"Iwa-Chan you are not going to believe what I just heard." I started.


Your POV

The only thing on my mind as I drove to go see my boyfriend was the conversation I just had with my parents. They have a good point and it's all so tempting, I don't know if it's smart though. I sighed, feeling overwhelmed with the whole matter. I parked my car as I got to my boyfriend's hotel and got out. I looked up at the huge building that I really didn't want to be in with only one thing going through my mind.

What the hell do I do?

Oikawa's POV

I sat there, buzzing with excitement, as I had just finished telling Iwa-Chan everything I heard.

"Relax Shittykawa, this doesn't mean anything. (F/N) has been talking to me about moving back since her first year in America, but she hasn't actually done anything about it. I don't think she is going to move back home." Iwa-Chan said to me.

"Shut up Iwa-Chan!" I whined. "You never know! She might! God, she might." I said, happy at the idea of getting to see (F/N) everyday again.

"Even if she does, what do you expect to happen? You think the two of you are going to get back together? I highly doubt it." He questioned.

"You never know Iwa-Chan, we might. You already know how I feel about her." I told him.

"God Oikawa, how many times do I have to remind you? She has a boyfriend!" He announced, trying to get it through my brain.

"I know! But if she stays home, he's gonna leave the picture eventually." I said with a small smirk.

"You are so irritating." He sighed. "Can we move on to me now?" Iwa-Chan asked.

"Oh? You have your own tea?" I asked jokingly.

"Shut up." He mumbled while getting up and walking over to his drawer. He picked up a little box and sat back down next to me. He handed me the box and I opened it up to see a gorgeous diamond ring, causing  me to gasp.

"Iwa-Chan, it's beautiful. But you know I'm in love with your sister..." I joked.

"Shut up you dumbass!" He yelled while whacking me on the head. "It's for Katsumi, I want to propose to her." He said after finally calming down.

"Its about time! You've made that girl wait long enough!" I scolded while looking down at the ring box in my hand.

"I know! Shut up!" He replied, causing me to laugh.

That's great Iwa-Chan, I'm so happy for you." I said with a smile while handing back the small box to him.

"Thanks Shittykawa." He replied with a small smile. He put the box back away.

"How are you going to do it? How will you propose?" I asked him.

"Well..." He started.


Short Chapter! I apologize!!

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