Chapter three -I do my boyfriend's makeup

Start from the beginning

He blushed and hugged me , cuddling into my sides .

" Kellin's the cute one " He spoke in his usual small voice.

" If you say so hun " I turned back to camera and pointed at Vic , mouthing the words 'he's the cute one' to the viewers. Vic didn't notice because he was looking down at the mattress , getting our make up supplies and brushes all sorted up.

" What we gon' do first baby ? " I slid my arm around Vic's waist and lean my head on his shoulder , watching him pick out which item he wanted to destroy my face with. He lifted a liquid-creame looking thing that was encased in a pump bottle. The colour looked almost identical to his skin tone .

"Okay , first we are going to apply the ... uhh full coverage liquid foundation on to the face " He read from the label and then pump a good amount of it onto the palm of his hands and then splat the foundation on to my face

" You just put the foundation on your face like you're smashing birthday cake onto someone's face. " he said while rubbing the foundation all over my face with his palm.

" Yeah and then you give them birthday sex afterwards " I teased , making sure to add a wink in there.

" Oh , oh no - " Vic giggled , putting his clean hand over his now flushed left cheek " Happy april's fool "

" In July " I added

Vic turned his head to face me and glared. That's right , glared at me. I think he's been watching too much Paddington Bear. That bear's up to no good let me tell you that. Teaching kids and overgrown kids to throw hard stares at people. Well two can play that game . I squint my eyes and stared back at him equally if not even more viciously. I knew just exactly what to do to make him crack . I enlarged my eyes and made my pupils look into opposite directions.

In 3 ...



" Hahahaha . You're so funny Kellin " Vic burst out laughing and falling onto my lap . He quickly straightened himself back up once he remembered that we were still filming. He cleared his throat and composed himself trying to be all professional.

" Okay next I'm going to use lipstick on your lips - "

" Why not on my eyes ? " I interrupted

Vic shot me a confused look and looked down at the label on the lipstick .

" But it says lipstick ... for lips . Okay , I'll break the rules for you " He pecked my nose , accidentally getting some foundation on his lips. I brushed my thumb over his lips , wiping the foundation off of it . And then wiping my thumb on my shirt. We didn't prepare any tissues and I'm too lazy to walk to the bathroom. Oh well , sucks to be the maid.

" Kellin , which colour do you want ? " Vic asked holding up two lipsticks. One that's really bright red and the other that's skin coloured , nude, is that what you call it ?

" hmmm , that one " I pointed at the red one

Vic looked back and forth between the two colours and then put the red one down and then gave me a toothy grin.

I shook my head and gave out a small laugh , " Ookay , whatever you like. "

" Okay so today we are going to go wild ! " Vic looked to the camera and uncapped the nude or should I say , according to the label , champagne coloured lipstick . "We are using the lipstick for Kelly's eyeshadow ! Isn't that wild ? I think that's very wild ! "

I quirked my eyebrow at the nickname that I haven't heard from him in a long time and answered his question ,

" Yes Vic . That's very wild . "

My defination of wild : Getting high on marijuana and then crashing my Phantom into through the neighbour's gate.

Vic's defination of wild : Using lipstick as eyeshadow. 

I think maybe that's why we make such a great couple. We have that perfect balance . He keeps me grounded and I spoil him.

" Do you need help there ? " I asked , after watching Vic struggling to find an angle where he could colour my lids or whatever girly terms they call it.

" I didn't bring my glasses so I can't really see that well . Maybe if you just position your head to a 45 degrees angle and tilt your head down a little bit , it just might- "

" - or " I interrupted him and lifted him up by his waist and sat him down on my lap , " You could just sit on my lap. Is that better ? "

He nodded his head and gave me a shy smile , " Time to make your pretty "

Without any warning , Vic took the lipstick and I'm not even exagerating , he stabbed it into my eye. And what does one do in situations like this ? Scream in agonizing pain and threaten to kill your boyfriend . That's exactly what I did .

" Argh . Vic , Fuck ! My fucking eye. " I yelled as I pushed him off me and onto the bed and navigate myself using only one of my eyes to the bathroom that thankgod I had one in my room . " I'm going to stab you with that lipstick ! " My voice echoed from the bathroom .

Vic quickly toss the lipstick he was holding in his hand onto the floor and looked at the camera with a very frightened look in his eyes . A tear or two threatening to escape . Boy , did he looked like a puppy that just got kicked.

" Oh no " He squeaked

I paused the video and it stopped with the image of Vic's furrowed eyebrows , wide eyes and pouted lips. I ran my thumb across my screen , over those cheeks of his . I really do miss him .

I lean back onto the mattress and laid my head onto the pillow . I turned to rest on my side  so that I could look at the paused image of Vic. I must have spent quite long just looking at the picture , observing the really tiny things that I've never noticed about him , I found myself getting tired and slowly drifting off to sleep . I hope I dream of him tonight .

" Goodnight angel " I said one last time before fading into darkness.


Yeah . There we go! Apologies apologies. No proof read ! :/

uhm yeah hope u guys liked this one. Just wanted to bring Vic back for a bit!

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Can we make that happen ? (:

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