Chapter - 12 [ Personal Assistant ]

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RedRivals Chapter 12 - [ Personal assistant ]

Time Check 7 am

George was walking by the side walk , walking to the school. a car drove by and honks at George.
The car window opens and it was Clay, also going to the school. His Car different this time, He probably has collections of cars at his garage.

Clay : Get in loser, I'll drive you to School.

George :Are you sure you're not kidnapping me?

Clay : Yes, i am . now get in.

George gets in the car and Clay started driving.

Clay : We should probably get some breakfast, Are you hungry?

George : What a weird mood change you have. last time you hate my guts, now you're treating me as if we're friends

Clay : Oh, are we not friends?

George rolls his eyes and looks at the side of the road.

George : Obviously not.

Clay : We probably started off in a bad start, but i wanna get to know you better.

George : So Mr. Bryce have a soft spot on me huh?

George was teasing Clay , but Clay's reply got him flustered.

Clay : Maybe, I like your attitude. You're cute.

George : Oh shut up-

They arrived at Zak's cafe , Clay didn't really know that George works here every weekends.

Clay : They serve really good coffee here, although Zak doesnt look like a type of guy who owns a cafe. he runs the business pretty well.

George : I actually work here so-- i know that.

Clay : Damn, really? How's your work in here?

George : Been pretty busy, its exhausting sometimes.

They were sitting , facing eachother and there also some students going to this cafe to grab breakfast.

Darryl : What can i get for you?

George : Darryl? What are you doing here?

Darryl : Oh, hey i usually do an hour work before going to school

George : Dang, you're pretty hardworking.

Clay : Ill get the usual, You george?

George : Latte please.

Darryl went back to the counter to make their coffee.

Clay : Maybe you should quit.

George : Are you insane? i obviously wouldnt do that

Clay : Maybe i should hire you as my personal assistant?

George : Are you a fucking toddler thats why you want an assistant?

Clay : 100 dollars a day.

George : DEAL, its gonna be hella easy right?

Clay : Yes, i just need your phone number. ill just text you if i need anything

George gave him his phone number thinking it would be an easy job.

Clay : I wanted to give you few rules.
I don't want you to be 5 minutes late when i ask you to do something, i will be picking you up everyday when i go to school. you should be outside of your house at exact 7am.

The two of them talked about the rules, they seem pretty strict but he gives a reasonable amount of money, George have no choice.

After that, they went to the car and drove to the school. As Clay was driving at the campus, he got a phone call from Lilith .

In Call :

Lilith : Hey babe, where are you at?

Clay : Don't call me that, im at the parking lot.

Lilith : Oh really? i also just parked my car. we should go head to class together

Clay : No, just go. im busy with something els-

Lilith: Oh! isnt that sweet, i saw your car over there!

Lilith went to Clay's car and saw George Got out of the car door.

Lilith : Uhh, what are you doing here bitch?

George : Obviously stealing your man, what else are you thinking?

George started messing with Lilith, Clay just chuckles as he gets out of the car.

Clay : i hired him as my assistant

Lilith: How much do you pay him?

Clay : Probably 150 a day.

Lilith: I bet he's gonna be really happy if he gets a fucking dollar or something. Get a real job fool.

George : Since im getting a money, maybe i can buy some attitude to replace that ugly attitude of yours? Will you stop acting insecure? You're obviously jealous.

Clay : Leave us alone Lilith. im getting tired of seeing the same face every morning.

The two of them left Lilith and Clay starts laughing.

Clay : God, i probably made a right choice on making you as an assistant. i hate talking to her.


Vincent and Finn were at the parking lot and Finn saw George getting out of the car.

Finn : Is that GEORGE!? getting out of Clay's car!?

Vincent: Yeah? Why don't you just focus on me since im already here infront of you?

Finn : Wow what did you eat this breakfast? Dogfood? You're acting like a dog.

Vincent: I mean, you technically cooked the breakfast that means-

Finn : Alright alrightt, im heading to class now Bye

Finn kisses his lips and gets out of the car.

Someone took a picture of them kissing, the person was watching them from the distance., its an expensive camera that can zoom from the distance.

?? : Bingo. A president's son making out with a Class C huh.


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