Chapter 3 - Old habits die hard

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Sooo, long ass chapter ahead guys. Sorry it took me so long. 
I really hope you like it and I have this feeling that you will...
I want to apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes okay, I'm still learning English.
Pleaseeeee let me know what you think! 
Thanks for the reviews, hope you enjoy the next 9 thousad words <3


It didn't take too long to somebody rang the doorbell after the call. Actually, Emily thought it took longer for her to get to the door using the crutch for support than for the person get there.
Once she finally reached the door, she opened it carefully not to loose her balance, and saw the familiar blond figure staring ecstatic at her. It actually took her a few seconds to react, Emily watched the girl look frozen with this big surprised face soon turn into a happy honest smile.

- Oh my God.... What the fuck? – the blonde said as she stepped in and finally took in Emily's features and state, staring her up and down. She didn't wait for an answer though, just leaned in and embraced her friend in a not-to-tight but really spontaneous hug. – Jeez... what happened to you? – she asked again, still with her arms wrapped around the brunette and her chin resting on the other girl's shoulder that wasn't hurt.

- It's so good to see you... - Emily said ignoring her friends question, while she made her best to retrieve her hug with only one arm and don't loose her balance. – Thanks for coming Hanna.

- Of course! I missed you. – Hanna said with a smile, stepping out of the hug and closing the door behind them. She observed Emily fit the crutch under her arm and balance herself again so they could walk towards the living room, she supposed.

- Do you need anything? Water, food, whatever? – Emily made sure before they passed the kitchen, because it would be this whole process to come back once they settled in the living room.

- I'm fine, thanks babe. – The blonde answered easily. – Do you want something though? – Hanna asked, sensing her friend could use some help. But Emily just shook her head.

Once they made it to the tv room, they settled down on the couch, Hanna scooting over closer to Emily after she put her braced leg up to the coffee table.

- Look I brought the cigarette's pack you asked. – the blue-eyed said, picking it from her purse and tossing over to Emily's lap. – What the fuck though, are you a smoker now?

- Sometimes, - Emily shrugged. – It's hard to survive out there without something to relief the stress sometimes. – She admitted.

- I see it, - Hanna answered. – So, when did you got back? How long are you staying? – She asked lively as she put her purse back in the coffee table.

- I got home this morning actually, - the brunette answered the first question. – And, I have no idea... - she answered the last one letting out a sigh and rubbing her face with her right hand, which was a habit for her when she felt frustrated or sad.

- Oh, c'mon... It's not that bad! – Hanna tried cheerfully. – You haven't been home in what... Three years?

Emily nodded, finally realizing she hadn't seen her best friend in three years now. She stared at her paying more attention this time. Hanna looked more mature than the last time they saw each other. She had this curly lightly blond hair that reached her shoulders. She wore light make up, and of course was wearing this professional chic white blazer with black light pants and black heels. She always had a great sense of fashion and style, and now it showed even more.

- It's just not the way I intended to come home. – Emily shared honestly, staring down at her wounded body. – Anyway, how are you doing? And the girls?

- Well... Everything is pretty much okay... I'm finally launching my first ever collection this fall. – Hanna said making Emily smile widely. – It's not completely ready yet, but it's definitely coming. – She went on, - Also me and Aria are working together so I can put up a column at the magazine of the publishing company she works at... That's not entirely set up yet but we're getting there.

- Oh my God Han, that's amazing! – Emily told her excitedly. – What about you and Caleb? Is he okay?

Emily saw Hanna's smile fade away quickly, but she didn't look sad though. – We're okay... He's living in New York though. Working for this massive tech company. – She told her. – He's only getting started, so he needs to be there at least for a few months, to get experience and shit.

- Well... That's good I guess? – Emily said and Hanna nodded. – It will pay off sometime.

- Yeah, I hope it doesn't take too long though. – She shared honestly. – Oh, and Spencer owns her own lawyer firm now... but she's studying to magistracy because she'll try out for judge, because... well she's Spencer.

Emily laughed at the comment. She felt really happy for her friends, they all had their own careers and were making their best to get where they wanted to. She tried her best no to compare herself to her friends, because she had her own career as well on the army, even if it was interrupted.
She was afraid of asking about the last girl on the group, not really knowing where she stood with the other girls. Even though she knew they were supposed to be friends, things had changed between Alison and Emily a few years ago.

Just like she had been reading Emily's mind, Hanna brought it up.

- Oh and Alison runs this huge fancy wine store in the main street. – the blonde told her, still looking a bit impressed by her own statement. – She owns one in Rosewood and one in New York, can you believe it?

- Wow... I don't know actually. – Emily said impressed, raising her eyebrows. – Good for her, right? – Hanna nodded. – So... shall we go outside so I can lit up one of these? – the brunette asked changing the subject slightly as she held the pack of cigarette up and gave it a small shake.

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