Chapter 2 - It's been a while now

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So I'm sorry in advance for the loooong chapter and for taking me so long to post it.

I needed to put a lot of thought on this one and also add some crucious informations on so... I hope you enjoy the next 7 thousand words and hope you guys like a flashback because here we go... 😏

July, 2013 – Rosewood, Pennsylvania

Her arms felt lighter for some reason, Emily thought it could be the drinking, since she had been there for almost three hours now. The place was crowded with people she knew from her high school, some of them were her friends and some she didn't exactly had a relationship, but Emily had always been friendly and liked by most people.

They were celebrating their prom and the beginning of the summer, one they would always remember, at least she hoped so. To say Emily and her friends were excited was an understatement, they were really glad high school was over. On the other hand though, Emily had been worried about her choices for college, especially since she didn't want to attend to any of those she had applied to. She was happy for her friends though, they all got into great schools and were really excited to start their new journey.

- Here you go... - Hanna approached Emily, breaking her thoughts as she handed the brunette a full bottle of beer. – I hope these fuckers get here soon because the beer is almost over, I had to go ninja on some dudes over there.

- Ninja? – Emily laughed, watching her friend sit on the couch across from her.

- Yeah, almost thought, I think I scared them... – She told her friend smiling. – Anyways, I saw Aria hooking up with Paul over there... Do you think we should step in?

Emily took a sip of her beer before responding, - Nah... just let her have something to regret from this night.

- Remind me to never trust you when I'm drunk, please – Hanna laughed, analyzing the people around and saw Spencer approach them. – Oh, look who's decided to come back from seven minutes in heaven...

- Oh shut up, - Spencer rolled her eyes and sat down beside Emily, grabbing the beer from her hand. – Where did you get this? I couldn't find any left...

- Jackie Chan over there managed to get us the last bottles. – The brunette motioned to Hanna.

Spencer frowned when she saw Emily and Hanna laughing, but choose to ignore it. – Anyways... - She shook her head, - Have you guys seen who's in town?

- Bon Jovi? – Hanna asked taking a sip from her beer and saw her friends stare at her frowning. – What? He is! I saw it on twitter.

- Well... No, - Spencer shook her head again, - It's Jenna, I saw her with Shanna upstairs.

- What? Did she see you? – Hanna asked, leaning closer and lowering her voice.

- Ahm, no Hanna, she's blind, remember? – Spencer answered in an ironic tone.

- So why are you telling us this? – Emilly shrugged, - I have nothing to do with her, or Shanna.

- Maybe that means Toby is back too... - Spencer said hopefully and handed the beer back to Emily.

- Oh, now I see what's happening here... - Hanna mocked. – Why don't you text him?

- I don't know if that's a good idea... we weren't exactly getting along when he left.

- You should give it another try Spence, you really like each other. – Emily advised her friend, remembering the last conversation she had with Toby. – If you guys keep being so stubborn you're getting nowhere.

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