"This place is nice," he said, taking a look at the menu.

"Yes, and it's my treat," she said.

"No I can't let you pay," he said. She grabbed his hand over the table out of instinct.

"I insist," she said with a small smile. They both looked at their hands and pulled away and quickly looked at the menus.

"Well uh thanks," he said. Finally the waitress came and took their orders. Once she was gone neither of them knew what to look at because they were both too scared to look at each other.

He looked over at her and she looked so pretty today. She was wearing bell bottom jeans, and a fitted long sleeved shirt that showed off her body in all the right places. Her hair was curled in the way it always was. He always felt like he didn't deserve to be with someone who looked like her, mostly because he said he hated girls like her for the longest time and he almost felt like a hypocrite.

"Why are you staring at me?" she asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"What? I wasn't," he lied.

"Ya ok," she said and she rolled her eyes.

She looked at him and he had those same stupid sunglasses that she hated but also loved at the same time. He was wearing his led zeppelin t-shirt that Jackie gave back to him after they broke up. He was wearing his same stupid jeans. God why did she want him.

"Now you're staring at me!" he said.

"Am not!" she defended,

"Whatever you say Burkhart," he said.

Soon enough their food came and they both started eating. She used to think that eating on a date was unattractive but she felt comfortable with Steven. Wait, did she just say date? This wasn't a date! This was just two friends hanging out and having brunch. No big deal.

"This is good," Hyde said.

"Yes, I loved this place," Jackie said.

"I wish they served beer," he said, making her laugh.

"You wished everywhere served beer," she said.

"Beer makes the world go round Jackie," he said. She laughed a bit. "God your beautiful," he thought. But apparently he was thinking out loud.

"What?" she asked.

"I didn't say anything," he said awkwardly, realizing his mistake.

"Yes you did! You said that I was beautiful!" she said.

"God Jackie, calm down. You know you're beautiful." he said.

"It sounds better coming from someone else," she said. Especially you, she thought. She just wanted to kiss him. To take off his stupid glasses and look into his deep blue eyes she loved so much.

They both finished and then went back out to Jackie's car.

"So, do you want me to take you back to Eric's?" she asked.

"Uh ya, sounds good. Everyone is going to be back soon." he said.

"Where were they anyway?" she asked.

"Funland I think," he said. She laughed thinking about the memories.

The drive back to Eric's was quiet and a bit awkward. Hyde was just watching the window and debating whether he should say anything about how he feels. Jackie was debating the same exact thing. But before either of them could decide they got to Eric's and saw the vista cruiser sitting in the driveway, meaning that everyone was home. They walked into the basement and everyone gave them strange looks since they went out together.

"What?" Hyde asked, sitting on his chair.

"Where were you two?" Donna asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"We went out to brunch," Jackie said, taking the empty chair.

"Did you do it?" Kelso asked.

"No!" they said in unison.

"Let's just watch the damn TV," Hyde said, wanting to shift the attention. They watched the TV for the rest of the day.

After they finished watching tv Jackie went over to Donna's for a sleepover and Hyde and Eric were sitting in the basement. Jackie and Donna were laying on Donna's bed when all of a sudden Jackie broke the silence.

"Donna, do you think I should tell Steven how I feel?" she asked.

"Yes!" Donna said sitting up. "God I'm so tired of you two not being together because you guys are so awkward because you both want to just do it right there!" she said honestly.

"Calm down ya fake blonde!" Jackie said and Donna rolled her eyes. "I just have to think about this," Jackie said.

Back at Eric's basement Eric and Hyde were just sitting there in silence. Hyde was reading and Eric was watching tv until Eric turned it off and said something.

"What's going on with you and Jackie?" Eric asked.

"What are you talking about?" Hyde asked.

"You guys went to brunch together so does that mean that you told her?" he asked.

"I haven't told her anything, Foreman," Hyde said, putting his newspaper down.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because she doesn't feel the same!" Hyde snapped.

"Are you kidding me?" Eric asked, standing up. "She looks at you like you are the only thing in the world! God she admires you Hyde and you don't even care! Jackie, the devil wants you and you are ignoring her!" Eric snapped.

"What the hell?' Hyde asked.

"Go tell her how you feel you dumbass!" Eric said.

"God you sound like Red," Hyde said before he brushed past him and into his room.

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