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      "If I had the chance to look into the future I'd have done that,
        And prevented what happened...."
"You look like the rain," Ronke complimented as I got into the corridor, she was outside her door.
"Thanks, I believe I always do"
"Yes, but sometimes you look like heavy rain."
"Mmm...deep," I remarked and walked on to my room...I feel the same way, I feel numb...like there's nothing fun. I wish I had a TV here, but I decided I don't want distractions, so I just had my laptop... listen to music, type, learn new crafts, watch movies. It's just that no matter how many activities I might engage in, I still feel that particular emptiness.
I'm the type that likes to stay on my own lane and avoid troubles, its just that, troubles don't stay in their own lane and avoid you, they smash right into you, if you're not strong enough, it'll break you, if you are, you'll break it and get back on your feet to continue your journey, and if you're fairly strong, you'll manage it slowly till you're out of it.
I try to avoid thinking about that very day, but it's impossible, it might not come once, but mostly in flashes, but still, it's unavoidable, what happened can't ever be forgotten, ever. I have to live with it, I have to accept it, it's not like I have no choice, it happened, life threw it directly at me and didn't miss by an inch.
What will I eat now?
I went to the kitchen to check if I could make a quick meal, I saw nothing, it's unusual for me not to have quick meals, all I have now is beans, the rice I have left is not going to be enough. Feeling lost, I took out my ATM card and some cash as well as my phone and earphones, and off to the market I went.
I wasn't taught how to bargain price of goods, I wasn't too privileged to experience market life, but, school taught me those things. When you're out of foodstuffs and have to get some things to eat, you'll learn how to bargain prices of goods and even how to economize, I can't say I've ever been low on cash, like I said, I'm a rich spoilt brat, I just don't flaunt it. There's always money in my account and you would seriously doubt it since all I ever seem to wear is jeans and hoodie, nothing else, but it's clear I don't wear the same pair of jeans or same hoodie everyday.
I withdrew some money and boarded a taxi to the general market, yes, I do not talk much, but I force my mouth open when I'm at the market, I desperately wove my way through stalls, trying to avoid the puddles of dirty water, being here can be so annoying, so let me just get my things and leave, people are too many here.
I hate that....

Worst NightmareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz