No Way!

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With Natasha, Nick, Cooper and Lila all stood by the front door as 'The Team' stepped off the quinjet.

"Agent Thompson, Agent Carter, Agent Hill, Rose and Mr Jarvis thank you for coming at such short notice." Nick said.

"Not a problem director" Peggy said.

"Okay Cooper and Lila are going with Uncle Jack and Aunt Maria is going to fly you out to the mountains for the night okay?"

"Okay Auntie Nat" Cooper and Lila said goodbye to everyone and Nick lead everyone else inside to the kitchen. When they walked in everyone's faces dropped but 'The Team' just nodded and looked to Natasha for instruction

"Okay, Rose you go on upstairs and look after Laura, Jarvis you stay here and keep this lot calm and me and Peggy will be running around like headless chickens."

Rose nodded and headed upstairs while Jarvis in true butler fashion started on making everyone a cup of tea. While Natasha and Peggy unloaded all their supplies that Peggy brought with her.

"What's going on?" Peggy asked

"Laura is eight months pregnant but that isn't the worrying part because I was born 6 weeks earlier never mind a month but the most worrying part is the fact that she has pre-eclampsia and we both know that this is the collision course to catastrophe."

"Okay so what is our plan?"

"We don't want another situation like Angelica or Anya but we need to save her life but the longer this baby takes to come the more risks develop. You and I both know what it's like to be in Laura's shoes so we need to try our absolute best to save her and the baby."

"Peg, Nat I need you both up here" Rose shouted from the bed room so Peggy and Natasha sprinted up the stairs and into the bedroom where Laura was as white as a ghost. After setting her up with fluids and antibiotics to try and fight the infection that was brewing in her body Peggy and Natasha made their way back downstairs to the kitchen.

"She looks awful, we need Howard's help."

"Exactly so where is he?" Natasha enquired

"He is in Peru finding a new animal for his LA animal preserve."

"Seriously, we need him now." Natasha exasperated

"Mr Jarvis?"

"Yes Miss Carter?"

"Can you get the Video call up for Howard please."

"Certainly Miss Carter."

Jarvis went into his bag and pulled out a tablet and connected to Howard in Peru

"Hello Peg, Nat how are you both?"

"We are both fine but we need you here now, Howard"

"Miss Me that much Peg?"

"Howard we are serious Laura is in early labour and she has got pre-eclampsia so your services are needed here."

"Nat, I'm not sure if you know this but I'm hunting a really rare animal and if I leave I will loose it forever."

"Howard let me make this clear for you, Laura and her baby are dying and you need to get here to help us out"

"Nat please I'm sure you can manage without me"

"Howard we can't and let me say this if you want to marry me in a month then I suggest you get here in the next hour."

"Peg that's a bit harsh"

"I don't care you saved mine and Nat's Life when we were both in Laura's position so get here now!"

Peggy hung up the phone and handed the tablet to Jarvis who looked liked a deer in the headlights while everyone else looked gobsmacked apart from Clint, Nat and Nick who all looked down at the floor.

"Nat can you come up here please and can you bring the delivery kit please" asked Rose from the top of the stairs.

Nat picked up the delivery kit off the table and headed towards the stairs but Peggy stopped her and asked

"What do I tell them if they ask about Angelica or Anya?"

"Tell them the truth because they deserve that and get an ETA of off Howard"

Peggy nodded and Nat headed up the stairs while Peggy turned around to finish prepping their tools while waiting for the questions to start.

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