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Dear James,

     Thank you for being a great older brother. We may not be related by blood but you were a brother to me.

Please continue to take care of Lily, she'll need the love and support after this.

I hope you win the Quidditch Cup, you deserve it.

You're a beautiful human being. Inside and out. Your love for your friends and family always give me a warm fuzzy feeling. I continue to feel your love even as I write this.

Keep being amazing and keep your head up.

      Lots of love,

Dear Remus,

I wish I had more time so I could actually be with you. You're ability to make me fall in love with you more everyday was insane. It had to be magic.

I hope you are able to move on and fall in love. Don't hide because of your little furry problem. I can't wait to watch you become a brilliant adult. Follow your dreams.

I wish we could have had one more date. Even if it was to the school kitchens.

Thank you again for helping me do all the things I wanted to do.

     I love you,

Dear Lily,

    I love you. I'm sorry I never told you that I was dying. Please don't kill the guys for not telling you. I bet they'll explain everything.

I'm sorry I won't be at your and James' wedding but I'll be watching from the afterlife.

I was always hoping to help you pick names for your first born so, if it's a girl then Daisy and if it's a boy the Harry. You're welcome.

I doubt Petunia will care but take care of her and mum and dad for me ok?

I love you to the moon and back,
                  You're totally awesome sister

Lily chuckled and hugged the letter.

Dear Sevy,

   I hope you ditch all your dumb evil friends and somehow make it up to Lily. She won't admit it but she misses you. She's just too stubborn.

You're incredibly smart and sweet and I only hope the best for you. You deserve only the best and I know you'll go places. I think you would make an excellent Potions teacher.

Continue to do your best. I'm so proud of you.

Love Always,
     Daisy Ophelia Evans

Dear Peter,

Hey, I know we weren't the closest but thanks for helping her do all the things I wanted to do before I passed.

Now, I know that you hang around those Slytherins and I hope you stop that. You're too good to go to that side. Please make the best choice.

I know that if you work hard enough and make good choices that you can go far.

Believe in yourself and all will work out in the end.

You're friend,
Daisy Ophelia Evans

Dear Atlas,

I'm sorry I never told you. I'll regret for the rest of eternity. I didn't want to worry you and I'm guessing the boys will fill you in on everything else.

I love you so much. You've been an amazing  best friend and have helped me so much.

I believe that one day you can become the best Auror out there. Just work hard and don't give up.

There is so much I want to tell you that I don't know what to write so unfortunately I'm going to end it here.

Your bestfriend forever and ever,
                                           Daisy Ophelia Evans

Dear Sirius,

Thank you for always being there whenever I was upset and for teaching me quidditch.

I really wish I could have been on a team or atleast practiced with you.

I know sometimes you think everyone is against you and that you don't deserve live but you do. I love you so much.

Don't hate your brother, tell him how you feel.

Lots and lots of love,
                             Little Evans

575 words

Death is around the corner (Marauders story) {COMPLETED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon