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The Maruaders were supposed to be wandering the castle looking for new passageways or secret corridors. Instead that night changed their lives.

They were all huddled under the invisibility cloak, their shoes slightly peaking out the bottom since they were all very tall, walking down a corridor when they saw a girl sitting on a bench softly humming Dancing in the Moonlight by King Harvest. She was wearing a Beatles oversized T-shirt and black basketball shorts that went below her knees. Her brown hair was tied up in a messy bun, pieces sticking up. That girl was Lily Evans's little sister, Daisy Evans.

The moonlight danced around her as she continued to hum, bouncing her head and tapping her feet to beat. This made even more hair fall out of the bun.

Remus popped out from underneath the invisibility cloak and approached the girl. This made sense because he was the only one who was a prefect so he was allowed out past curfew.

"Daisy. What are you doing? It's two in the morning." Remus said, sitting down next to the girl. She sighed and said " Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts." He nodded in understanding and asked "Do you want to talk about it?" She thought for a sceond before nodding. "But you can't tell a soul. I swear nobody can know. Not even Lil. " She said giving him a look that meant I mean it. He replied with "I pinky promise." Knowing she would believe him after that. She was one to still do childish things.

"Well to put it simply, I'm dying. And there's nothing I can do or anyone can do to stop it. It's inevitable. And I'm upset that there's so many things I never got to do and probably will never get to do because sooner than later my family is going to be planning my funeral. " She spat out in a rush, getting everything she's been bottling up off her chest. Remus's mouth was wide open in shock and Daisy chuckled at his reaction.

"Crazy huh? Yup. But I don't want anyone to know because I don't want to spend my last few months or even weeks with people trying to be around me 24/7 or telling me their going to miss me. I would rather just make memories and go about my normal day. Ya know? "

Remus nodded and said "I get it. What is it you want to do? "

Daisy laughed " I want to go on a date. I've never been on one. I want to dance in the rain. Lily always says I can't cause I'll get sick. I want to have a food fight, try Quidditch, stay up all night, and I want to hit Severus for being a little bitch." Remus laughed at the last one and made a mental note in his head of all the things she wants to do.

Daisy yawned and stood up. "I'm going to go to bed. Don't let the bed bugs bite!" And with that, she was gone.

James, Peter and Sirius came out from underneath the cloak.

"You know what this means, right?" James said to the group.

They nodded.

"We have to help her do all those things before her time runs out." Sirius answered.

" One problem, we don't know our due date. So we got to do it fast. " Remus pointed out, Peter nodded.

" That poor girl. Only just turned 15 and she's going to die." Peter said shaking his head.

" She's a tough one. I wouldn't be surprised is she ended up being alright. " Sirius said, though the look in his eyes said otherwise.

" James you can't tell Lily." Remus said with a stern look. James nodded and said " I know. "

The group headed back towards their room to come up with plans to make Little Evan's last few weeks the best she has ever had.

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Death is around the corner (Marauders story) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now