As he reaches out, he stops, still not knowing what to do. Why was this so damn hard? Just then, Token comes out of nowhere and pulls him up.

"Jesus, you guys gonna help him or not?" Token look at both the boys sternly, before returning to a soft face towards Tweek, "You okay, man?"

"Y-yeah. Thanks."

"Alright everyone, go change! Hurry and move it before the bell rings. I will not be writing any excuses for you." The boys get dressed and head into their next class. The day went on boring for everyone. Except for Tweek. He just waited and waited for the day to be over, to go home, to forget about Josiah!

"Hey, dude," Tweek looks at Craig, "Wanna come over today? Help each other with homework or whatever." The boy smiles and nods in agreement.

Being with Craig was relaxing. Okay well, maybe not relaxing, but relaxing enough for Tweek! The boys drove home in Craig's car.

They busted into the house, Craig and Tricia giving each other the finger. Tweek giggled softly seeing he was still the same as before, even though Tweek had such little memory of him. Craig threw his bag into his bed and went over to his guinea pig's sanctuary.

"Ooo is that..." Tweek knew about the guinea pig, but he just didn't remember the name!

"Swirls. Her name is Swirls. If you were trying to say, Stripe, he passed away a while back. You know, these little fuckers don't last long..." Craig held Swirls closely to his chest before setting her down.

Tweek got down on his knees allowing Swirls to get used to him.

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

Craig raises his eyebrow in a bit of surprise. Swirls never open up so fast with someone completely new.

Tweek smiles and Craig couldn't help but notice. He felt as if he melted once he saw Tweek smile. As if the twitchy boy had no worries.

Craig grabs a bag of treats, handing it to Tweek, "You wanna give her one?"

Whoop! Whoop!

Tweek gladly takes the bag in excitement and gives Swirls a treat. The guinea starts bouncing up and down.

"Whoa! What's she doing?"

"Oh, she's popcorn popping. She does that when she's happy..." Craig smiles and picks up Swirls.

Tweek loves how Craig seemed so mean and tough around people, but when it came to Swirls, he was the biggest teddy bear ever, "You know, Craig, you're a big softy when it comes to guinea pigs."

"Yeah, I guess so." Craig sets her back down and the guinea pig runs back towards Tweek.

Tweek lets Swirls onto his hand and he lays her on his shirt. Craig watches but then sees a familiar stance in how Swirls was in Tweek's shirt.

Oh, she better not! Wait-

She poops.

Tweek is in disgust and gently places her in Craig's hand, "Uh that's not -nng- very attractive." Tweek laughs, "You think I can b-borrow a shirt or something?"

Craig laughs as to what had just happened, "Yeah, yeah! I'm so sorry dude. Uh, lemme see man." Craig sets Swirls back into her sanctuary before going through his closet looking for something for him to wear. "How about this?"

Tweek catches a sweatshirt. It looked like it would be big on him, but it was better than a shirt with poop on it.

Tweek looks at Craig as to signal him to turn around and Craig takes the hint, "Alright, you can turn back around."

Craig turns and sees Tweek with a very baggy sweatshirt, "Huh, looks big on you."

Tweek gives him a "You don't say" look before both of them laugh. Craig walks in closely towards Tweek.

"Makes you look small, it's cute." Tweek blushes at Craig's words, looking at himself. He was right. It did make him look small.

Tweek looks back up, he and Craig were just inches apart. His heart was pounding, like really loud. It was like his heart was about to burst out of his chest! Or... wait... Tweek slowly puts his hands onto Craig's chest and feels his heart pounding. So fast! And that sound that Tweek thought was his heart, was Craig's! It was Craig's heart sounding like it was going to burst out. He hadn't noticed that Craig wrapped his arms around the twitchy boy, pulling him closer, slowly.

Their eyes closed.


Ahh! I don't know what happened! I published this a while back, but half of my story was missing! I'm so sorryyy!

Please reread it if you please and forgive me! I hope y'all love the chapter!

Peace guys :))

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