Chapter 13:A troubled start

Comincia dall'inizio

To be genuine never have I ever seen such an adorable view in front of my eyes

"You are such a kid never knew about this"

"Well everyone has a little child in them, they just don't show it"

"I agree but heck now I need to think of something difficult because you are quite intelligent camz..illa" wait did she just call me camz..illa ??!! What kind of nick name is this, but when I look at her, she was really red so I tried to tease her.


"no, I meant Camila but I'm so tired that I messed up"

"Ohh Lauren then we should sit somewhere" I said and she nodded

I was about sit on the grass when she putted her hand under my ass my eyes bulged out and cheeks turned red.

"What are you DOING!!" I said getting up but when I turn, I saw an expression of pain in her face looking at her hand which was covered with blood

"WHAT THE HECK" I said taking her hand on mine to look at the injury

"What the hell were you thinking "

"You were about to sit on that dangerous broken wood, it was too late when I saw it so I thought to save you from some pain ", she said with a painful smile.

Also in this situation she was trying to make me smile

This little thing she does never fails to touch my heart which just bring me close to her.

"Shut up and give me your hand"

Lauren's POV

I don't know if I am dreaming or all of this is really happening.

Camila is taking care of me.

She is being nice and friendly to me.

She is talking to me.

She didn't try to insult me once.

And most importantly she is starting to show me her true self.

Ok I have the confirmation than

I am DEFINETLY dreaming

However I realized I wasn't when she touched my cut

"OUCH "I yelped in pain

"We are done Lauren just few more minutes" she said while cleaning


"Hey Lauren can I ask you something?" she said with a thoughtful expression

"Yeah sure anything"

"Why did you accepted to marry me?" I just looked at her not knowing what to say

You know that moment when you have lot to say but you know you can't because you have to lie also if the exact opposite of what you wanna actually do.

"I was forced"

"By my father?"


"Lauren you need to lie, if you don't, she will never let you get close to her"

"I don't like lying and what am I even going to say to her?"

"I don't know but whatever you say needs to be REALLY big"

"I get it but what?"

"if she ever asks you that question tell her I forced you"

"it won't be enough because for forcing someone you need a solid reason"

"just say your mother got cancer and I am paying it for you and if you refused to got married to her, I was about to cut you off"


"well if you have a better idea please suggest, I know my daughter, cancer is a touchy subject for her because also her grandfather died for that."

" I don't know ok but I can't use my mom"


"Yes..." sorry mom .........sorry Camila

"What did he do?"

"m..y mom have cancer and he pay for it and if I refused he would have cut off my mom's payment "

"Oh I am really sorry Lauren "

"It's ok"

"And I am also sorry for threating you the way I did, I should have known better" she said taking my healthy hands on her giving it a squeeze


Sorry for the late update but I had my driving exam hopefully you will like this chapter and I'll try to update soon 

Never wished for you (Camren & Norminah)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora