Inviting The Virgin (10)

Start from the beginning

            It wasn’t the issue of my prince charming coming to my rescue but it was the body following behind him that stopped in my presence.

            “Carter,” I slurred under my breath.

            “Welcome back Adam,” This time my slur was hearable and also laughable.

            Adam reached his arm to stabilize my shoulder which was bouncing due to my uncontrollable giggles—“I think someone has had a couple more drinks since I last seen her,” He chuckled looking towards Carter who had taken the seat next to him who was avoiding all eye contact.

            Adam leaned into Carter trying to get his attention—“You both go to Regal High right? So do you know each other?” He asked looking between the two of us.

            I was surprised that he had remembered the small information I had shared but I wondered how surprised Adam would be to find pictures of Carter and I tucked into an old photo album hidden deep inside my closest.

            “Nope,” I lied easily watching the surprised look on his face.

            “Well it isn’t that big of school,” Adam laughed.

            “I think I’m going to cut you off,” He flipped my shot glass upside down.

            I didn’t protect. I sunk my head onto the counter trying to take deep breathes.

            In and out.

            “Today just isn’t my day Carter. This sweet girl that I meet in the men’s washroom is now so wasted and I can’t even have a decent conversation with her and I can’t even invite her to the after party because she needs some sleep and probably some coffee in the morning. And I didn’t even win this stupid raffle either,” Adam spoke and he caught my attention.

            Unless he met more than one girl in the men’s bathroom he was talking about me. He was flirting with me. A hot college boy was sitting next to me in a bar and talking to me, flirting with me. This is ridiculous.

            “You think I’m sweet?” I questioned looking up at him.

            “You have an adorable drunken smile too,” He flashed a charming smile.

            “I don’t get the girl and I don’t win the door prize either,” He dug into his pocket pulling out a piece of paper he was handed at the beginning of the night.

            “You win the raffle and you might even get the girl,” I smirked looking at his confused face.

            Without hesitation my hand slid onto the back of Adam’s neck pulling him closer. I wobbled on the two legs of my chair but Adam’s arms held onto my lips while I drunkenly kissed a college guy, in a bar, a random hot college guy in a bar.

            My stomach was giddy. Once I pulled myself away a smile spread across both are faces while I looked into Adam’s dark blue eyes—“But I got to go,” I smirked grabbing the piece of paper and sprinting back towards the table.

            For a strange reason Stella wasn’t sitting on her high horse, only her stable-women resigned. I slammed my hand onto the table the stinging barely registered until after I lifted it off. Sandra gave me a devilish look before it turned into a smile.

            “Nice work seriously, Hot,” She laughed and bit my lip just thinking about it.

            “Well Stella already left and we are all heading home. I suggest you find a ride,” She gathered up everything on the table and put it into a large bag.

            Although Sandra seemed friendly and supportive, Nancy glared at me on her way out. My eyes followed them out but stared at Adam, than at Carter. And then I saw Mimi dancing on the dance floor having a great time.

            It wasn’t long until I joined her dancing and parting like I had completely forgotten about being The Virgin of Regal High and soon it all went black. 

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