"Hey clembot," I said, "Ash, it's been a while," Clembot said with its robotic voice, "Where's clemont," I asked, "Here I, am," Clemont said as he walked toward me wearing his Signature blue jumpsuit, "Hey clemont," I said, "You seem to be going somewhere" I continued, "Yep My little sister got her starter today and then she went with a friend of mine for shopping and I'm not interested in that so I said I'll come and pick her up," he said, "Oh I understand, so which Pokemon did she get, did she tell you," I asked, "Yep, she got a froakie," he said, "That's awesome," I said.

After that we started our walk toward the mall, after about 5 minutes we reached the mall, we went inside and clemont called his sister to ask her where she is when she said that they were not done shopping I told clement to tell them to meet us at Le Cinq ' after they're done.

So clemont and I made it there and reserved a table, "Hey clemont how many people do you think are gonna be there?" I asked, "Let me guess.......it should be about 4 people", "I have 2 more people with me" I said to clemont then the waiter took us to our table for 6, we sat there and waited for them to come.

Half an Hour Later

"Clemont!!!" I heard a little girl shout after coming inside the restaurant, it was fairly empty, but then I saw Serena coming inside with Mark right behind holding many bags and another guy as well as another girl, "Hey Serena & Mark" I greeted, "Serena you know this guy", the guys asked, "Yes clemont who is he?" Bonnie also asked, "Ketchum, Ash Ketchum," I said as I gave my hand to the guy, "Calem Yvonne," he said, "Ash thanks for sending Mark with me otherwise Calem here would have had a baaad day," Serena said, "Yes Ash, Uncle Mark was awesome" Bonnie added, "And he's a great battler too" Calem added as he sat down on the chair next to serena, "So Mark how was your punishment hope you don't repeat the same mistake again because next time I'll send you to Alola, and boy you don't need to go to those malls with my friends," I said, he gulped, "Point taken," Mark said with a nervous chuckle.

Then we had lunch talking about things Bonnies journey and other general topics, that's when Calem asked me, "Hey Ash, can I have a pokemon battle against you" he asked with determination in his eyes, "Sure but don't expect me to go easy on you" I said, and we both made it to the field next to the mall.

"I'll be the referee then," Clemont said, "Alright then the battle between Ash Ketchum from Pallet town and Calem Yvonne from Vaniville town is about to start, a 1 on 1 match, trainer's release your Pokemon," clemont said

"Alright then I'll go first, Lucario I choose you" I said as I sent out the Aura Pokemon, "Alright if your using a Lucario then I'll use mine, Lucario battle stance" Calem said as he sent out his Pokemon.

Sideline (Mark) [in the sidelines it'll be Marks PoV and on the field Ash's PoV]

"Brothers going all out" Serena said , "But he stands no chance against Lucario" I said, "And why is that?" Serena asked and continued, "Is it because of mega evolution, is so than even Calem's Lucario can?" Serena said, "Even if your brother Lucario mega evolves he can't win," I said and continued she looked at me with a confused expression, "You'll see," I said


My Lucario started off with extreme speed into Bone rush which successfully hit calems Lucario even though he tried to dodge it, then Calems Lucario came forward to me with a dynamic punch, my Lucario send it back with a simple block,

Then Calem mega evolved his Lucario and then commanded him to use Bone rush, I asked mine to do the same but mine was still more powerful and sent his Lucario right back, then I asked my Lucario to go ahead with Dynamic punch and he said counter but I smirked he fell right into my trap, as soon as he hit counter I asked my Lucario to do the same which sent his Lucario flying past him crashing to the back wall, reverting back to his original form, I congratulate my Lucario and send him back to his pokeball

"That was a good match Calem, hope we can battle again some time soon" I said as we both shook our hands, just then Mark got a call, "alright we'll get there fast" he said and made it towards us.

"Ash it's time for us to go," he said, "Calem are you gonna come home," Serena asked him, "I want to but I don't think Coach will allow that," he said, "If you want I'll speak to Diantha about it," I said joining their conversation, "Really!!" He says with stars in his eyes but then frowns, "But I don't think she'll ever listen to you" he said, "Oh trust me, I have my ways" I said

Serena's PoV

Ash just left grinning with Calem and I standing there, "So.." he said, "How did you meet him" he asked me, "He's our new neighbour and His mom and our Mom go way back" I said, then his phone rings and Ash comes back with a smile plastered on his face, "Really Coach.....Thanks a lot" Calem said as he ended his call, "Coach gave me a week off, but he said that I had to train with You every day" he said, I looked at Ash, "That'll be fun" he said with his Signature grin...that I lo- Waugh Serena no you just met him

"Really!" Calem Exclaimed as we got inside the car, the rest of the car ride was quiet with Ash on his Laptop and Calem playing some games on his phone, Pikachu was sleeping on my lap, I went ahead and sat next to Ash to see what he was doing, he did not notice me because when I made my presence felt he quickly shut the lapton and gave me a nervous grin, "Do you want something Serena" he asked me, "Nope" I said and we reached His home, I saw him let give out a quiet sigh. "Alright then Bye Ash," I said as Calem and I got out of the car and started to head home .

Today was an Awesome day

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