We continued dancing under the moonlight. That dance was the best for me. I love it, also I love my partner..

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark,

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, we're listenin' to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect No, I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight..

The song ended up. Granger and I were so happy, that we hugged each other. Perfect timing!! The comet Antrogama also passed above our heads. We together look above, holding each other's hands.

"Thank you for filling my day without the someone I loved. I know its hard for you but, you did risk your feelings, for me.." Granger said..

I risk my feelings, cause I'm hoping. I'm hoping that we could be together, we can marry, we can live with each other through our love..

"Yeah. I did it for you.." I smiled..

He also smiled and hugged me once again..

"Oi. Too much for hugs.. I can't enjoy the view.." Its my brother shouting from the resto.

Killjoy. Not so good..

We then both laughed and went back to the resto..

"Can we go home? I'm so tired right now." I asked Dyrroth..

"What? After that dating moment, you're tired!? Oh! Come on sister. Just enjoy the view for a few more minutes.." he grumbled..

Well as a sister, I will give chance to him this time..

I sighed, and looked at my watch.. It was 8 PM in the evening. Well, I could say that this day was the best!! From morning till this night, I was having so much fun.. Its very good!!

"You're tired?" Granger asked me.. "Sorry I didn't bring my motorcycle right now." he went sad.

"Oh come on Granger-kun.." I cheered him up. "Being with you is enough. Its the best one happened right now.." I said..

He just smiled and looked at the view..

Granger's PoV

I'm quite happy right now, that Silvanna filled my 1st day out of 1095 days that I need to suffer from Claude's lost. I just can't imagine how long I may be without him. Can I handle each day without him? Can I?

We are still watching the view. It was 8:30 PM when Dyrroth was pulled out of the view. We went inside his car and I was sent home first.. Damnit! Why didn't I brought my motorcycle instead!?

At last, we reached my house. Well, I'm alone once again.

"Thanks for bringing me here.. I'm sorry I didn't bring my motorcycle instead.." I looked down..

"No worries, bro.. It would be my pleasure.." Dyrroth replied..

"Can we do that again? Granger?", Silvanna asked..

"Hmmm.. I'll try.. Well, I guess.." I replied..

"Thanks for tonight.." Silvanna blushes.

"Welcome.." I smiled..

I waved my hand as the car of the siblings go far in the road.. As I enter my house, I felt an emotional breakdown... I still can't free Claude in my heart.

I cried once again, hoping he will text me, or call me. But nothing.. Nothing came in my phone. Neither a message, nor missed calls. Its just free.. I just missed him so badly, that I made his face smiling and made him my wallpaper..

Well, that's the only picture I had with him.. Cause I'm not much interested on cameras, unlike him.. I have low self-esteem, bruh..

(The picture in the cover up of the story is the wallpaper. Ctto).

It was 9 PM when I finished eating and doing more chores...

I jumped in my bed due to the tiring day I did.. I took my shower quietly and just jumped on my bed only wearing my boxers. Well, its too tiring to just wear clothes if you won't do anything rather than sleep.

I was about to sleep when my phone vibrated. It was Aldous-sama calling..

"Hmmm." I answered..

"Bro. Come here in the building right now.."  he said panicful..

What happened to him? His way of talking is way too nervous. I wonder why..

"Nande? And what building also?" I asked..

|Translation: Why?|

"The Sama building, the building Claude had managed. Its burning!!" He exclaimed.

Eh!? Claude managed a business!?

"I'm coming.." I gradually raised up my voice..

"Faster!! Claude just went inside of that building! I stopped him but, he didn't answer!" he added..


I quickly wear my black T-shirt and my black cargo jeans.. Damn. I should've wear clothes than sleeping naked. Bruhhh..

I quickly rode my motorcycle, bringing many questions within me. It was I'm driving my motorcycle but absent-minded.

Aldous quickly send the address of Claude's building. I arrived at exactly 15 mins. from Aldous' call time. I quickly ran beside Aldous, watching the building glow in flames. I also heard fire trucks, leaded by Valir. The firefighters of the team quickly set up to extinguish the flames devouring the building. I really hope someone will go out of it..

Claude. Come out. I can't afford to lose you, please..

Watching the fire being extinguished, I saw in the entrance someone. It was a man.. bringing someone in his arms. I was shocked and immobilized who is that man.





















My tears suddenly shed when I saw Claude. His clothes were devoured up by the flames slowly. He then saw me. I was speechless and can't do anything. He goes out smiling, bringing a little girl child. They go out together. But, I could feel Claude's pain. His skin, were burned up.


He peacefully walked to us.. quietly.. My tears quickly shed. It was more than usual. He let the child flee. He then come to me, and he suddenly fainted. In front of me..

My reflexes quickly act and I saw Claude in my arms. Aldous extinguish the flames in his body by taking off his jacket and removed oxygen..

"Claude..." I cried..

His tears also flow down. He just smiled and places his hand to my cheeks..

"I'm sorry. Granger.. Plea..se.. for..give...me.." his voice slowly fade..

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