Chapter 24

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—Win Metawin—

It was still early in the morning when I woke up and went out of my bed because I need to buy coffee for Bright just like old times . While going towards the bathroom I smiled at the fact that I'll be going together with him again today to school but is it just for today or until the day we graduate? Are things going back to normal now like how we used to be back in those days when things aren't messed up? I did my morning routine and after that I went to the nearest coffee shop to buy coffee, I was a little curious about what's the taste of Bright's favorite coffee since I'm not really a fan of drinking coffees so I also bought one for myself. I went back to my house and waited for Bright and after a few minutes later I heard a car horn outside and looked at the window to check if it was Bright's car or not. I went outside of my house when I confirmed that it was his and went to his car, he opened the window and greeted me so I also greeted him back and went to the other side of the car. My mind went blank when I saw his car, it's been so long since I last rode to his car and I felt really awkward to open it because I think someone owns it now. What if it's not that comfortable as it was before? What if the atmosphere inside would be really awkward for the both of us? Should I just get a bus instead of riding his car? Should I walk away right now? I'm scared.

"Here let me open the door for you, I keep calling your name but you weren't even moving so I went out and check on you because we're getting late." I went back to my senses when Bright spoke and I looked at the door, it was already open. I was shocked because it's the first time he opened the door for me, he could've just opened the car window at my side and yell at me but he did this instead. I looked at him and thanked him for doing that and went inside silently.

Now that I'm inside his car I really felt the chills and awkwardness, it feels like it's my first time riding his car and I'm scared that he would crash his car at the tree. The feeling was really different or maybe I'm just overreacting because it's really been a long time since he started courting Earn and I have no choice but to take the bus everyday. I gave the coffee that I bought to him and he gave me a sweet smile and drank the coffee I gave, after that I also drank mine and he started the engine to drive us to school.

"When did you started drinking coffee? It's my first time to see you drinking one, I thought you hated it." Bright started the conversation to keep the atmosphere alive.

"When I bought your coffee I suddenly got curious about the taste so I also bought one for myself." I simply said.

"So how was the taste?"

"It wasn't bad and I think I can finish this cup." After that Bright never spoke again so I just connected my phone on the stereo and shuffled my music. I've been listening to some songs of Day6 recently and I wasn't even shocked when the song 'Congratulations' was played on the stereo. I hummed and I was shocked when I heard Bright singing the whole song. I looked at him still shocked and he smiled at me and explained, "I heard that song on YouTube years ago and I was impressed at how deep the meaning of the song was so I got curious about the band and just searched them until I knew them all."

"Why didn't I know that?"

"I recommended it to you also years ago but you just said that you we're loyal to EXO so I didn't bother to open up Day6 to you again." He added. Right, I was really obsessed with EXO that I didn't stan any boy groups aside from them.

Minutes after we arrived at the University and Bright was currently finding a spot to park his car. We went out of Bright's car and to my surprise I saw Earn clinging on Luke's arms while walking towards the University's Gate. I was stunned at what I just saw and I couldn't move, it's not like I'm jealous or something but I was concerned about Bright because he also saw them too. I can't move and there are so many what if's flooding my mind. I thought they were just best friends? So I was right about my guesses and suspicion, from accidentally hearing someone on Luke's call to here seeing them walking. What's the real deal between them? Why is she entertaining another guy if she's already taken? Or is she? Maybe there's an explanation for all those questions I thought and the one who could answer it was either Earn or Luke.

"Win, are you okay? You've been gawking since you saw them."

"Should I be the one asking you that?"

"I'm okay, maybe Luke's just her best friend or maybe there's a certain explanation for all of that." He said calmly. I just shrugged and we went to our own classrooms.

I entered our classroom with a smiling face for it is a good way to start my Monday positively without minding what just happened earlier. I went to my seat and sat there properly and Gulf just literally approached me with a confusing look.

"Why are you smiling? You literally looked creepy right now. Is there something good happened awhile ago? And why do you smell like coffee? Did you change your mind about your impression to coffees? He questioned.

"Not really I was just trying to lighten up my mood and start my day with positive vibes only and my impression with coffees hasn't changed I smelled like coffee because I went out to buy coffee for Bright and I." I explained calmly and Gulf's face literally turned into a smirking one.

"Did you start hanging out again?"

"He just invited me to go with him to school together again, I guess Earn doesn't want him to fetch her anymore because Luke was already there."

"LUKE?! AND EARN?!" Gulf shouted. Aish this kid really has no shame.

"Can you lower your voice?! I'm also not sure about what I said but I saw them together at the parking lot awhile ago with Earn clinging into Luke's arms."

"What a revelation. Did Bright also saw them?"

"Yeah but the weirdest thing is that he doesn't looked hurt nor bothered." That was a fact, it looked like I was the one who was more bothered than him awhile ago.

"That was weird indeed but have you to did something for him to act like that?" Gulf asked and I looked shocked upon hearing him. Should I tell him what happened last Saturday? What if he'll tell it to everyone and Bright will know it and he'll be angry because of that? No, I'll deny it.

"N-no we didn't d-do any-ything." I said without looking at him.

"If you two didn't then why can't you look at me in the eye and why are you stuttering."

"It's because—-" I didn't finished my sentence because Gun already interrupted and I am shocked at what he just said.

"It's because the two of them kissed last Saturday night."

"Well that was a progress, but how did you know that they kissed? Did you saw them?" Gulf excitedly asked Gun and I was irritated at how Gulf acted, it looks like he was fanboying or something. It was annoying.

"Off and I had a movie date yesterday and then Bright called him and said that he wants to talk to him personally saying that it was so important. Off left me at his house and went to your subdivision to had a talk with Bright and when he came home he told me everything. So that's why I knew that you two kissed, do you wanna know what's the best part Win?" Gun looked at me and smirked.

"W-what?". I asked nervously.

"Your best friend likes you."

【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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