Chapter 31 ~ Finally Normal (Final Chapter)

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Hey! Yes I'm still alive. Sorry for being gone for a while, I kind of wasn't interested in countryhumans anymore but now I am back and ready to continue or well finish this book. I also don't remember where I was heading with the story so... this should be fun! Also please enjoy...

(Artwork above is made by me)

(third person all the way through)

Snowflakes fluttered in the wind, softly landing on the ground along with the snow that has been piling up. It was Christmas time. Countries were celebrating the holidays together either with their families or at a party with friends. For example, Russia and America were sitting on the couch, talking amongst themselves and their guests. 

Laughs filled the house along with the aroma of different spices and a sweet smell from the deserts that sat on the table. A child ran down the hall and into the living room, almost knocking over a few foldable chairs and some picture frames that sat on the side tables. 

"Rusame! No running, you're going to break something." Scolded America.

"I'm sorry mama, but I have to keep running! I'll be caught if I don't." Rusame responded, continuing to run from whoever was chasing him.

"Well, just be careful, okay?"

"I will!"

Rusame turned the corner and disappeared though you could still hear the thumps of his feet hitting the floor and laughter. Just then, Britain appeared, huffing out of breath. 

"I don't see how he is so fast..." said the Brit, trying to catch his breath.

"Well, love, you're getting old while he is only a young child." Said France with a trace of laughter in her voice. 

The Brit sighed and sat next to his wife.

Hold on, wasn't Britain supposed to be in prison? Well you see, the Brit was let out of prison around a year ago, after being in prison for around 7 years. He had served his time and shown signs of improvement. A few weeks after he got out, he had tried to make up with Soviet apologizing profusely. He had all the time to realize that he needed to be a better person and actually support his son with his decisions and to also see that what he did was very wrong and could've ended in a very different outcome. He felt terrible and now he tried to make up for it. However, Soviet and America had both forgiven him for the things he had done. So now, they accepted Britain and enjoyed a normal life now. 

"Don't tire yourself out too much old man." Australia chuckled.

"Oh, shut it." The Brit smiled. 

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Said Russia getting up to answer the door. While he did this, America picked up the remote and turned on a Christmas movie for them to watch.

Rusame came running into the room. 

"Aww... I thought you were still chasing me." Rusame pouted.

"Sorry, you know your grandpa isn't as active as he once was." Britain chuckled. Rusame still pouted. "Hmm, can I make it up to you by letting you wear my top hat?"


Rusame took the Brit's hat and put it on his own head laughing. Britain smiled. Russia came back into the room with Soviet and Third Reich following behind. Rusame ran over and hugged both of his other grandparents. 

Soon after, everyone ate, opened gifts, and watched many Christmas movies until America's siblings and parents had to leave along with Soviet and Third Reich. America had put Rusame to bed and walked back into the living room where Russia was sitting. He sat down next to him and put his arms around Russia's shoulders. 

"Y'know Rus, I'm glad things are finally normal..." He said before he yawned. Russia chuckled and wrapped his arms around America.

"Me too..." He leaned over and kissed America on the forehead. 

"I love you, Rus..."

"I love you, too."


Thank you so much for reading! I know it has taken me a while to finish, but I hope you all are not too mad at me. Anyways, since I am starting to like countryhumans again, I think I will start working on my other book that I still need to finish. I hope you all enjoyed this book and thank you for sticking with me. I still see notifications from some of you who are still saving and reading my books which I find surprising. But as I said, thank you guys so much for reading the stuff I make, it makes me really happy. Until next time!

(753 words)

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