Chapter 17 ~ Nightmares

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Picture is about the figure later in the chapter. School has been tough lately so I haven't been posting but here is chapter 17. May be bad because I'm writing this on my phone instead of my computer but yeah, here we go.


~Russia's POV~

I randomly woke up, maybe around 2 am? I wasn't that sure. I opened my eyes and held my neck which hurt like hell and look around. It was pretty dark and the tv was still on but on a lower volume. I guess my dad was home. I look over to my right and saw my love, America snoring his heart away. I also looked sown to see a blanket. I guess one of my siblings or my dad put it there. I got up carefully not to wake up Ame and turned off the tv. I walked back to Ame and picked him up and carried him to my room. I set him down gently on my bed and covers him up. I really didn't feel tired for some reason so I went back to the couch and just sat there. I literally did nothing but sit there and stare at the wall. I don't know why I did but the wall seemed calming to me. I didn't notice someone sit next to me until the my said my name;


I jumped and turned to look at the person next to me. They chuckled quietly and looked to where I had been looking. "What about that wall is so interesting?" I hesitated. I couldn't tell who this was but they had a deeper voice so the only possibility was a robber or my dad. "I don't know really... it just gives me a sense of calm." I replied after a few minutes of silence. "I guess I can see that." The person yawned. "Well," they continued "I better get back to bed." Then they got up off the couch and left back to their room. I got up too. I wanted to go back to my room and cuddle with America, but something told me to go to my fathers room. I walked over and slightly opened the door. I peeked inside and saw him lying in his bed. I opened the door more and stepped in, closing it behind me. I went to the other side of the bed and climbed under the covers and I immediately felt tired. I don't know if it was the bed or just the calming presence of the room, i fell asleep to the sound of a clock ticking on the wall.


I had woken up to the sound of movement in my room. I didn't look up right away because I knew it was most likely one of my children coming in my room to either wake me up or come sleep with me after they had a nightmare or something. I watched as the figure closed the door and went to the other side of my bed and got inside. I waited and listend. I could tell that this was Russia. I usually could tell when he comes into my room. He's usually quiet and tries to make no noise while my other children make a lot of noise.

I did talk to Russia a bit when he was on the couch. I had no idea why he was out there staring at a wall. I had woken up to some shuffling in the hall. I went to check it out only to find Russia on the couch staring into space. I was worried about him, even if I didn't really show it. He was my eldest and when I died he would take over my land. It hasn't been that long since I went to bed from the couch, maybe only a few minutes at the most. I rolled over carefully and looked at Russia. He looked more tired than usual. You could see the bags under his eyes even in the darkness of my room (Soviets room had one small window so the room was usually dark all the time). He also had some bandages around his arms. Has he been... I'll have to ask. I rolled back over and started to drift off but then I felt Russia toss and turn and he kinda hit me with his foot. I rolled back over to face him and he had a pained expression on his face. I guess he was having another nightmare.

Russia whenever he had nightmares, they were pretty bad. Like the kind you can't go back to sleep after and maybe for a day after. I would always hug him to make him feel better. I also would rub circles on his back and that would calm him down too.

I decided that I would hug him and try to calm him down before it got worse. I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around him making sure to make circles in his back. He stopped moving and hugged me back. I soon fell asleep with Russia in my arms. (No incest)

(Time-skip to the next day)

~Russia's POV~

I woke up feeling warm and cozy. Honestly I wanted to go back to sleep. I looked around seeing that I was in my dads room. I remembered last night. Why did I act like I was dead? I literally stared at a wall for like 30 minutes doing nothing. And I did have a nightmare last night.

I used to have this nightmare all the time when I was younger.

~flashback to the nightmare~

I was running around with my siblings in our house. I think we were playing tag...anyways, I was running around the upstairs hearing my siblings chasing after me but soon their voices were gone. I slowed down and turned around. They were no where to be found. I went downstairs and looked there to only to find nothing. I went outside to the backyard to look a for the mm and that's when I saw the figure. It was tall, taller than my dad who was around 7 ft tall. The figure was all black and was hiding behind a tree but I could see them clearly.

Then the figure stepped out and started to run towards me. I immediately started to run, my heart beating faster and faster. My legs became weaker and suddenly I was in a forest. I still ran weaving in between trees when I didn't hear the figure behind me. I quickly hid behind a tree and tried to stay calm but I heard the footsteps again. My breathing became heavy and I covered my mouth. The footsteps came closer and closer until I heard it right by the tree. The figure saw me and grabbed me. I screamed and was about to be knocked out but the figure slowly disappeared.

Blackness filled my vision and soon my vision came back. I was in around. Not like a basement but just a normal room. I was in a bed. I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it and I saw my hallway. I looked around again and saw my siblings running around and my dad smiling was he sat in the stairs. I went over to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged back and soon my vision became black again.

~back to normal time~

That's when I woke up. I looked over my shoulder as much as I could and I saw my father hugging me as he slept. I guess he knew I had a nightmare and maybe that's why the figure disappeared. I snuggled closer and soon my eyes began to close. I soon fell
asleep feeling safe.

Hallo! So sorry it took me to write another chapter school has been a big oof and I've had a lot of math homework and I'm taking algebra 1 so it's kinda hard. Anyways I hope this chapter didn't suck. I did write it kn my phone. Also I was going to get this out yesterday but I was tired as heck. Well I'll see you peeps soon, tchüss!

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