Chapter 16 ~ meetings suck

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ok so this chapter wont be with America and Russia. I know you may be mad but I wanted to include the ship of Nazi and Soviet bc I ship them. So this chapter will just be between Nazi and USSR (and maybe some others idk). Also I just made my oneshot book and if you have any requests for me please leave them there on the first chapter thing. Ok well enjoy this. ONE MORE THING! This chapter wont have any Rusame in it so you can skip, it really doesn't do anything to continue with Russia and America. ok now on to the chapter! (pic above not mine)


~Nazi's POV~

I hate going to these stupid meetings, other than the fact that I think Sovi will be do i love him. I left Germany a note saying id be gone for the weekend. I drove down to the airport in Berlin. The meeting was going to be held by EU in London. The meeting was mostly going to be about new laws or rules or some shit. Honestly, I think I will just fall sleep. Seriously though, why does this meeting have to be over the period of time of 4 days? Were there that many laws to dicuss? Anyways, at least I get to see Sovi again.


Finally we landed, I hated sitting next to people on the plane. I was first class but still people annoy me so much, you could probably tell. I walked off the plane with my suitcase and my briefcase and went to the limo that was waiting for me. I hopped in and the driver drove me to the building everyone was meeting at. I left my suitcase in the limo because the driver said he would drop it off at the hotel. I walked in and looked around to find my seat. I rolled my eyes when I saw UK. I still hated him for some reason but I just ignored him and walked to my seat. I set down my briefcase and took out some papers that we needed for todays meeting. I leaned back in my chair and waited for the meeting to start.

A few minutes went by and the chairs around me filled up except for the one on the right of me. The chairs had numbers and you sat at the number assigned to you so I had no idea who sat next to me. I went on my phone for a minute to tell Germany that I made it to the meeting safely, Germany always worries. The chair to the right of me made a creak, since they were made out of metal, and I looked over slightly. My heart skipped a beat. Right there was USSR. I felt my face heat up and I quickly turned back to my phone. I hope he didn't notice, im still kind of scared of him since *cough*. I heard the microphone being tapped on. I looked up and EU was starting the meeting, finally.

We were around the middle of the meeting when I heard a whisper next to me, again to the right. I looked over to So- I mean USSR.

"Was?" (What?) I whispered back.

"I said, want to go out somewhere after this?" He whispered. I blushed and nodded. I looked back at EU as he was just starting to talk about Brexit. I wanted to laugh because I knew, from spies, that Britain was not doing well leaving the EU. I stopped myself when I felt a hand hold mine. I blushed and knew it was USSR's hand. I kind of muted EU out and kept thinking about USSR, and how I wish we could get together. Next thing I knew I fell asleep. I knew at some point I would. I was woken up by Sovi shaking me gently. I grunted and put my head back on the table.

"Come on Third, the meetings over" I got my head up fast and looked around, but everyone was still there listening to EU. I lightly punched him in the arm.

"you jerk..." I whispered. He quietly chuckled and went back to his papers. I don't know why I always fall asleep during these meetings. After somehow not falling asleep again, the meeting was over. I put the papers back in my briefcase and started to walk out of the building. Once I got outside someone pulled me aside. I looked up confused but I calmed down when I realized it was USSR. I felt his lips touch mine and I blushed heavily.

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