Chapter 3 ~ Finally out...

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(The picture above is not mine! anyway, this chapter is going to contain some swearing so if you don't feel okay with that, please don't read!!)

~Americas POV~

I quickly excused my self out of Russia's hospital room and hurried to the street to find a taxi. 'hopefully he didn't know I kissed his hand...' I thought. I felt myself blush a little just thinking about it. I found a cab and hopped in. I told the driver my destination, which was quite far away. Just my luck, there was a ton of traffic on the way to the house. 'shit...' I thought to my self. I got out my phone and saw there was a notification. I open my messages to find a text from my younger brother, Canada;

(Syrup = Canada & Burger = America)


<syrup> Dads bloody livid that your not home! Please hurry up!

<burger> OMG! I'm so sorry Nada! There is like a ton of traffic!

<syrup> Just HURRY! Dads starting to yell a little...


I quickly ask the driver if there was a quicker way, which sadly he said there was not. I let out a small sigh and look out the window. The lights of the buildings were almost hypnotizing as they past bye. I went back to my phone to play a game.

~Russia's POV~

I finally woke up in a slightly bright white room. I heard some beeping and felt a sharp pain in my lungs. I slow down my breathing to only realize I was in a hospital... "о блядь." (oh fuck) I muttered to myself. I looked up at the ceiling. Who had saved me? I don't know but they had ruined my plans! I cried out in pain as my lungs started to hurt again. I laid back down and sighed. 'Why couldn't they had just left me to drown?' I thought to myself. I turned my head to see Ukraine, my sister, walk into the room. She ran to my and hugged my tightly. "Oh! отпусти меня!"(Let me go!) I wheezed. "Sorry..." She murmured. She sat down on the chair next to my bed. She started to sob into her hands. I pulled her over and let her cry into my shoulder which in a matter of seconds was drenched in tears. She finally fell asleep, probably exhausting herself from crying. I looked back and the ceiling and thought about who had saved me, but soon I fell asleep.

~Third Person POV~

The taxi had finally arrived at the townhouse that America's family lived. He quickly threw money at the driver and ran to the front door.

~America's POV~

I felt bad for throwing money at the driver, but I was going to get killed by my dad if I did not hurry. I fumbled as I tried to get my keys, but the door opened before I could get my keys out. My dad stared at me with an angry expression. He looked behind him and motioned for people to get out of the room, probably my siblings Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and my mom, France. I heard footsteps head upstairs and I was dragged in by my collar into the living room. Britain threw me onto the couch and towered over me which made me fear him (Britain was 6'0 and America was around 5'1, smoll boi). "Why were you late?" He said trying to keep from yelling "IT'S BEEN AN HOUR!" He finally screamed. "I-I'm sorry fath-" before I could finish my sentence, I felt pain in my eye. He had punched me. "NEVER DO IT AGAIN YOU HEAR ME!?!" He asked me as he screamed. "y-yes sir..." I said holding back my tears. The last time he had punched or hit me was when I was around 9 or 10 when I had told him I was gay. I held my eye and ran to my room sobbing. I slammed my door and locked it behind me. I flopped onto my bed and hid my face into my pillow. I heard the voices again... they kept getting louder and louder... with every second I held back. Finally I gave in and got my razor out of my night stand drawer.


I took off my bandages from my arms and threw them into the trash can. I just couldn't stop cutting myself, the voices... they were too powerful. I held the razor right up to my skin. I sighed and pressed the razor into my skin yelping in a small amount of pain. I kept cutting myself over and over on each arm making sure I didn't hit anything important. The voices went away soon after I finished cutting my arms. I got some bandages from the drawer and wrapped them around my arms. I sat on my bed and cried again. I don't know why I cut myself, it's like I'm addicted to it or something. I laid down and looked at my phone and went to Instagram to look through everyone's posts. I posted a quote that said something about never giving up and that tomorrow is another day. I fell asleep soon after looking through some of my friends posts and stories.

~A few days later and Russia was ready to be checked out after his stay at the hospital~

~Russia's POV~

I sighed as I got out of the hospital. As usual, no one was waiting for me. I walked around until I found my favorite bar. I had a fake id on me so I could drink. I know its bad for me to do, but I took after my dad, I loved to drink. I walked inside and sat at a table. It was around 8 pm when I got to the bar. The waitress walked over to me and asked; "Hi! Welcome to Benny's! What can I get you to drink?""Hard Vodka please..." I asked her. I showed my id and looked around. I saw some people from school, but I hated them so I wasn't even going to talk to them. I just stared out the window looking into the buildings and looking at the lights. I heard the door open and someone walked in. I was too distracted to care who it was. The person sat down at a table close by. He ordered a drink which I couldn't make out and he played on his phone. I still couldn't tell who it was. The waitress came back and gave me my vodka. It was a full bottle. I thanked her and went to drinking the bottle. I felt like I was being watched or something. I looked around until I saw a head shoot back down so they were now looking at their table. It was that person who walked in earlier. A car drove by and lit up the bar with just enough light that Russia could see that the person was America. He ignored America since he didn't like him either. Why was he staring at me? I went back to drinking and slowly got drunk. I know this wasn't healthy as I had just got out of the hospital, but I didn't care. Someone got up from a table nearby and walked over to mine and sat down in front of me. "Hello Russia." Said the person.

____________________________________WOW! this was a really long chapter sorry! but wow I'm proud of myself that I wrote this much. But thanks for 6 views on my story so far! I'm sooooo happy right now since this is my first time writing something like this for many people to see. I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though its long. I also am just keeping the cover the way it is for right now until I want to change it later. BYE!!!

wow 1325 words!

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