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"Sarah!!!." I clamored.


"What what what whaaat!." My discourteous sis answered as she kicked opened my door.

"Where are my Harris stickers?!." I exclaimed.

"I do not know and I don't know and I do not care a bit, now stop yelling my name!." She said then she turned and left; slamming the door shut.

"Ya Allah, help me find my Harris J stickers." I whined then I scrutinize my whole room and I didn't find it.

I ran downstairs and I saw my mom.

"Mom where are my Harris stickers, oh no, I'm doomed!." I said then I yanked on my hair.

"Stop yanking your hair, they are in my room." She said.

"Oh Alhamdulillah, I..I thought I misplaced them." I sighed in relief and she chuckled.

"I'm Afrah and I wove Harris J and he is gonna notice me." Sarah said in a baby voice.

"Haters gotta hate, I will meet Harris J one day and he will say my name, Afrah." I said then she rolled her eyes.

"AFRAH!." My brother yelled and now I rolled my eyes.

"What?." I queried.

"Where are my car keys?." My older brother Muhammad asked.

"How in the world am I supposed to know where your car keys are, I'm just 16!." I reminded.

"I thought you lent your car Sadiq." Sarah said and Muhammad shushed her.

"Well, um..you know you are my mom and I love you so um..can I borrow your car for the day?." Muhammad asked and mom and I chuckled.

"Please bring it back in one piece." She said as she have him the key and he chuckled.

"Wow, Harris J key holder huh?." He asked and I shrugged then he chuckled and left.

"Dinner time!." Mom yelled.

"Where is dad?." I asked.

"Out, like always." Sarah said with an eye roll then mom looked down, I know she is hurt by what Sarah said, but it is Sarah we are talking about here, she can not control her mouth, she says whatever comes to her silly brain.

"Sarah, you are stupid!." I reminded her.

"Said the Harris doofus." She laughed.

"Ok, you have no rights to bring Harris into this talk!." I snapped.

"Girls, girls, chill and eat!." Mom said then we ate and I occasionally glared at Sarah, she is so annoying!.

"As-Salam Alaikum." I herd a voice I know all too well.

"Halima." I squealed then I hugged my bestie and she hugged me back.

"Hey sugar bomb." She said.

"I thought you were not gonna come." I said.

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