XCIII. Humanity for the win

Start from the beginning

"Whatever. How are you feeling?" I ask, thinking of what's going on with her and Elijah.

"I'm alright." She sighs, "It's sad to say, but I'm used to it, but, as a favor, smack him for me." She laughs.

"Done and done." I smile.

"Niklaus-" Lili whines.

"Sorry, Sweetheart, but i have to cut our call short." Klaus sighs, i frown. "I'll call you later?"

"Yeah." I nod, even though he can't see me.

"Bye, Sweetheart."

"Bye." I hang up, sighing. I have no idea where Klaus is, or why he's there. But i hope he's okay and stays safe.


That day was a lot of sitting around, bored, there was nothing really to do except sit around and wait for Elena to beg or something. "Can't we speed up this process or something?" I groan.

"How?" Stefan sighs.

"Please, Wonder Twin, if you have any ideas, do share?" Damon huffs, taking a drink of his bourbon. I narrow my eyes slightly, staying silent, thinking of a plan. I stare at Damon, my eyes widening, "What?" He frowns.

"You, you're the plan."

"Huh?" He frowns.

"You're in love with Elena. She knows you want what's best for her, but you wouldn't do anything to hurt her." I state, "Give Elena blood."

"Wait, Alina-" Stefan starts.

"Okay, not clean blood, Vervain it." I state, "Give it to her, she'll have to feel something for even a split second, hurt, betrayal, anger, anything."

"And what if she tries to run?" Stefan asks, looking down at me.

"That's where we come in."


And Elena did exactly what we knew she would do, try, and run. She gets up, trying to rush to the door, Stefan and I standing there. She takes a deep breath, staring at us. "You guys wanna play games? Fine, go ahead." Elena shrugs, then looking over to Damon. "Let's see who breaks first. Me... or you." She says looking over to Stefan.

"Aw, come on, you know i don't like losing," I smirk. The three of us step into the cellar and i kick the door shut.


Stefan and I walk downstairs to see Damon still sitting in front of the safe. "You still have her locked in the safe?" Stefan sighs. "You've been in her head for an hour."

We start to walk forward, Damon holding up a finger and then groaning. "Still nothing." I sigh, leaning against the door, knocking on it.

"Hey, sissy," I call out. "How are you holding up?" I smirk. Damon moves over, pulling the safe door opening, Elena slumped against the side of the safe. Damon gestures for me to lift her and i sigh, "Come on." I say, pulling her up. She falls forward onto her knees, Elena looks up, looking around.

Damon moves over next to me, bending down to her eye level. "Is the old you ready to come out and play?"

Elena's eyes travel up to Damon, "Go to hell." She mutters. Damon and i share a look and i nod.

"Okay, let's go," I say, pulling her up again and shoving her back into safe, Elena groaning. I slam the door shut, locking it and then turning to the brothers smiling.

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