Main Title and Flight from Ajar Skota

Start from the beginning

"Good. Deploy water troopers immediately. This is where they meet their end." Riox responds.

An Elitist transport zooms down toward the water and deploys Elitist Water Skimmers. Water troopers pilot them.

"Fire on the enemies!" A water trooper calls out.

The speeders launch blaster fire at the heroes. A chase ensues.

"G have the Centurion ready!" Jeb calls out.

"Right away sir." G7 responds over the comlink.

Sarodhi manages to fire on one of the water speeders, causing it to crash into the waves and explode.

More speeders begin to drop out of the shuttle above.

"There are too many of them!" Sarodhi says.

"I got this..." Jeb yells back.

Jeb stands up on the speeder, and for the first time we see, he ignites his lightsaber. His orange duel bladed lightsaber that can turn into two single sabers. Jeb uses the Kyber Crystal from the necklace his dad gave him. To honor his father. Jeb blocks the blaster fire coming from the speeders. Deflecting them. His skills have improved since we saw him last. One of the blaster shots goes back and hits a trooper off his speeder. He screams as he falls into the ocean below. The speeder goes into the water.

"Almost there!" Sarodhi yells as she speeds toward the Centurion.

"G get ready! Open the bay doors." Sarodhi commands.

"Just waiting for your arrival Sarodhi." G7 responds.

The two continue to speed away from the enemy. A squad of speeders close in, ready to eliminate Jeb and Sarodhi. Jeb closes his eyes, and reached out his hand. The force theme plays as he does so. He uses the force and causes the speeders to collide with each other. Exploding over the watery surface.

Cut to the bridge of Zekko's destroyer. Riox overlooks the battle below.

"Impossible." He says under his breath. "Fire all guns on that speeder!"

A gunman pipes in, "But sir, our men are down there!"

Riox turns to the gunman, "I don't care. Half of our men are at the bottom of this water, unless you want to tell Lord Zekko they got away, I suggest you do as I I clear?"

The gunman nods, "Yes general. Right away."

Riox resumes looking at the battlefield. "Fire!" He screams.

Cut back down to the Ajar Skota surface.

"I think we've lost em!" Sarodhi says.

The Centurion approaches the speeder, but, the destroyer starts to fire on the heroes. Sarodhi maneuvers around the blasts, but since they go right into the water it causes the water to create waves. Big ones.

"Sarodhi! Look out!" Jeb yells as a giant wave comes toward them.

The destroyer continues to fire. Big explosions in the water occur. Sarodhi zooms toward the wave.

"Hold on!!!" She yells.

The speeder zooms toward the wave.

"G we are closing in!!!" Jeb exclaims.

As their speeder goes up the wave caused by the explosion, the Centurion appears behind the wave, Sarodhi grabs Jeb's hand and they jump off into the bay doors. The doors shut.

"Come on G, set course for Daoplov! Hurry!" Sarodhi commands.

"Setting course for Daoplov." G7 responds.

The Centurion zooms into hyperspace, evading the Sith Elitists this time.

General Riox sees this as the wave blasts settle below. His face shows pure terror as he knows he must tell Zekko of his failure.

"General, Darth Zekko demands to speak with you." An officer requests.

The general nods.

Immediately we cut to Zekko's private chamber in his destroyer. He is kneeling on the ground. Fog and smoke exit the meditation room. Out of the smoke, the silhouette of Darth Zekko. A side view shot of his menacing helmet is shown. He picks it up out of its resting stand. Zekko puts it on and walks toward General Riox.

"My Lord, we lost them. I-" Riox gasps for air as Zekko chokes him.

"A disturbance in the force. Jeb Rangor and his companion got away with the message from our traitor. I am disappointed, General. The Emperor will not be happy with this news. I expect you to tell him. He has summoned me to Eraxo. For your sake, I hope he doesn't kill you." Zekko says as he releases the choke hold on Riox.

"Prepare my ship. Find the Resilience scum and make sure they pay for their actions. Leave Rangor to me..." Zekko states.

Cut to the hangar of Zekko's destroyer. His shuttle departs and makes way to Eraxo. Where Emperor Ravok awaits his arrival...

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