Near Death?

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Jayy’s POV

Dahvie is acting very strange right now. Aaron had told me that it was just his maturing, but soon even Aaron admitted that something was up. Dahvie had fallen back to sleep rather quickly, no big deal. But he began thrashing so violently that he eventually fell from my lap and onto the floor. Aaron was really scared and backed away, but I tried to pick my baby up from the floor. However, when I did I just dropped him again. He was so hot that my hands literally burnt.

How the hell is he not waking up? I looked up at Aaron only to see a look that very likely matched my own. I can’t help but admit that I am becoming a little scared myself. Biting my lip I tried once again to lift Dahvie from the floor, this time having my hands become so damn cold that it felt like I was shoving my hands into the coldest ice imaginable. Gasping, I put him back down, not wanting to drop my love again.

I took a deep breath and began to pace back and forth; panicking so much that I had began to shake. This isn’t normal, but what the hell could it possibly be? Was he sick? Swallowing loudly I turned to Aaron. “Aaron, is it possible that he is just sick? I know werewolves have some strange sicknesses that are not known to humans or vampires.” Sadly, Aaron shook his head, “Jayy this isn’t a sickness that even I know of and I was the prince. This doesn’t have anything to do with his being a werewolf, this is something much bigger.”

Growling out in frustration I ran my fingers through my hair as Dahvie stopped shaking. I was relieved for a short moment until his began to sweat profusely. I quickly ran over to him and felt his forehead. He was still as cold as ice. Whimpering, frightened I moved my hand and ran to my room, diving under my bed. I keep my ‘Book from Hell’ under here; a book that has every symptom to most any kind of sickness in any sort of species.

I quickly flipped through the book, trying to find the tab for the werewolves. As I read I began to walk back into Dahvie’s room; seeing that my love was now shaking again with a pained look on his face. I quickly sat on the floor, looking at Aaron to see that he had fallen asleep too. Raising an eyebrow I couldn’t help but wonder why he was so tired but then it hit me. His father has probably been keeping all of the wolves awake, day and night searching for Dahvie. I wonder if he knows that keeping them awake can and will end up killing them.

Sighing, I found the section on werewolves in my book. Maybe, hopefully I’ll be able to find these symptoms so that I can put a name to what is going on, and with a bit of luck; the cure. As I flipped through the pages I found tons and tons of symptoms, but none of which Dahvie had! Oh my God, this is so fucking frustrating! I was actually throw the book after I closed it, but something caught my attention, “violent thrashing”

Excitedly I read the rest of the passage, which included every single thing that was going on with my baby. I smiled for a few seconds before I read the caption of the page, “New Born Vampires”.

Dahvie’s POV

The pain, it hurts so badly. I feel like a million knives are stabbing every single cell inside my body. I didn’t even know that this kind of pain existed. Nobody deserves to have to go through this! Once again I couldn’t open my eyes, not because I was too weak but it hurt too much. I can’t take this pain! I can honestly say that I want to die!

I want Jayy to do something, I want him to help me, but I doubt he even knows that there is something wrong with me. I probably look completely normal right now. But right now ever breath that I breathe is an awful challenge.

Behind my closed eyes all I can see is black, nothing else. No brightness, no color, no nothing! I want to whimper but I can’t. I want to cry but I can’t do that either! Maybe I’m dying… I don’t know why but maybe I am. It might be for the best, at least now my ex pack won’t have the pleasure of murdering me and eating the pieces.

As I was contemplating this I felt an incredibly sharp pain in my gums. I was finally able to scream as my mouth went as dry as the Sahara desert. Suddenly I was able to feel hands tugging my shirt off and cold lips on my neck. “I don’t know how this is possible Dahvie, but you’re going to be fine.” Jayy’s voice whispered before sinking his teeth into my flesh, taking away all of my other pain.

I wanted to ask Jayy what was going on, but I couldn’t move my lips. Am I not dying? I was finally able to breathe again when I felt fingers pry my dry mouth open and something, liquidly, warm… delicious touch my tongue. What is this sweet juice? I tried once again to open my eyes but Jayy covered up my eyes. “Keep them closed darling. I don’t know how you’ll react to this. Keep drinking and then you can open your eyes.” I forced myself to nod and kept swallowing the delectable juice. I wonder what it is.

When I finally finished the drink I felt strong, stronger than I had ever felt before. Did the juice have some sort of special powers? I felt Jayy’s lips touch my forehead lightly before he whispered, “open your eyes now baby, but take it slow.” Confusedly I opened my eyes slowly, seeing Jayy with a sliced wrist and a cup that was coated in a thick, red liquid… blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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