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Jayy’s POV

Dahvie seems so happy right now, it’s actually bringing tears to my eyes. The clan is accepting him; not because I’m forcing them too but because they actually want to. It’s amazing to me that they are already caring for Dahvie as their brother and as my mate. It’s is absolutely amazing. I sighed happily as I rested my chin on top of my baby boy’s head. He instantly melted into me while smiling. “I love you Jayy.” he whispered sweetly before he was met with a long yawn.

I smiled and whispered “I love you too .” into his colorful locks of hair. He cuddled even closer to me causing a bunch of “awes” to emit from the large group of vampires around us. I rolled my eyes playfully and lifted my tired little wolf into my arms. “C’mon everybody.” I whispered, knowing that Dahvie was almost asleep. Everyone looked down at him and smiled in admiration. They no longer see him as a threat; especially not little Skylar. The vibe that I picked up from Skylar as soon as he saw Dahvie was one of pure love and safety. Not a boyfriend type of love, but one of a big brother or father even. I know that Dahvie will be an amazing person for Skylar to look up to. And Dahvie will care for him when Damien isn’t around.

The clan and I were once again in the clearing and forming our circle. Everyone has a place to be here, from the highest rank to the lowest. I am used to sitting at second rank just below the leader, but starting tonight I am taking my place above all of the other vampires and sitting on the high stone with Dahvie still in my arms. “Go to sleep baby.” I whispered quietly into his ear. “We’ll be home when you wake up again.”

My little wolf nodded his head sleepily and curled up into my lap, breathing quietly; peacefully. More awes came from the circle as he fell fast asleep. It’s hard for even the toughest, manliest man out there to control their adoration for this man. He is just… precious. I gently placed a tender kiss on his cheek and looked over the clan. My clan. I bit my lip for a short minute before starting the meeting.

“First off, does anyone have any questions about Dahvie?” Immediately about ten hands went up, asking permission to speak. I sighed inwardly and called Blake forward. He stood up quickly and asked in a shaky tone. “Why are the wolves after Dahvie?” I sighed quietly and looked down unsurely. “I’m not sure Blake. I don’t think Dahvie even knows the true reason behind it. But I plan on finding out.” Blake nodded twice in realization and took his seat once again.

After that one question most of the other hands fell; all except one. Skylar’s. “Yes Skylar?” I asked kindly as I rubbed my baby’s back slowly. Skylar instantly stood and stepped forward. “Please don’t get angry Jayy, but how can you possibly love him? I mean he tried to kill you.” I smiled down at the ten year old and said. “I’ll talk to you about that after the meeting.” Everyone around us went wide eyed. When Christopher had been over the clan saying “after the meeting” automatically meant punishment, but not with me. I honestly just don’t want anyone around when I tell the kid about this. Skylar nervously sat back down, seeming close to tears. Poor little guy.

Almost right after everyone had left but Skylar, Dahvie stirred in my arms. I smiled down at him as I began to walk towards Skylar. “Hmm?” Dahvie mumbled sleepily. I chuckled as I set my tired boo back onto his feet. “I’m having a little talk with Skylar.” I pointed to the young boy still sitting on a log and grabbed Dahvie’s hand. “you can help me out.” he smiled widely and nodded. Soon we were sitting next to Skylar as he shivered nervously. “Sky you’re not in trouble.” I whispered smiling. “I-I’m not?” he asked in disbelief. I couldn’t help but laugh at his expression. “No of course not, you were just curious I would never punish you for that.” I looked down at Dahvie as he smiled sweetly at the young boy.

“But you do want to know how I can still love Dahvie after all that has happened, correct?” Skylar nodded eagerly and looked up at me expectantly. I chuckled and pulled the young boy close. “There isn’t really a true answer to that question besides this. You can never help who you love. If you love somebody that’ll never go away. I loved Dahvie when he was a human, and I love him still. I loved him when he tried to attack me, why do you think I didn’t fight back?” Skylar smiled and shrugged. Dahvie giggled quietly beside me and gripped my hand tightly in his. “Thanks Jayy.” Sky whispered shyly. “I’m sorry for asking but I just really needed to know because…” He blushed and looked away. I smiled and picked him up before setting him in Dahvie’s lap. “Because you love Dahvie. I know that Sky don’t be shy about it. I know that it’s not like you love Damien.” Skylar blushed darkly and nuzzled into Dahvie’s chest as Dahvie hummed quietly.

“Yo-you’re not mad?” Sky whispered. I shook my head understandingly and ruffled his hair. “No, of course not. And I’m pretty sure that Dahvie really cares about you anyways, don’t you Dahvs?” He nodded slowly as Sky yawned quietly. I chuckled. “C’mon you two, lets walk you to Damien’s, Sky.” I stood up and pulled him from my boo’s lap allowing Dahvie to stand.

We were almost out of the forest when I felt a hand grip mine gently. I smiled softly and gripped Skylar’s hand in mine. His hands are so small. It’s almost funny. I chuckled inwardly as Dahvie held my hand on the other side of me. I just don’t get it, Sky and I have always been close but he’s never been so open with me before. Have I changed or something? I smiled as we walked Skylar up to Damien’s house. “Bye Sky.” Dahvie smiled and hugged him. “Goodnight.” I whispered and looked down at him. Sky looked back up at me before hesitantly stepping forward and wrapping his small arms around my waist. “Thank you Jayy. For everything.” I smiled and whispered “No problem.” as I rested my hands softly on his shoulders.

Skylar slowly pulled away and looked at Dahvie and I. “I love you guys.” I smiled and nodded. “We love you too.” Dahvie said speaking for both of us. Skylar smiled happily before running up the steps and into the house. I sighed quietly as Dahvie tucked his head underneath my chin. “Lets go home baby boy.” I whispered. He smiled happily before nodding. “Okay love.” I reached out my hand so that he could interlace his fingers with mine. Slowly we walked through the beautiful forest. Hand in hand. Filled with love.

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