War Is The Answer

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Brie: Have you and Scott?

Alexis giggled because she knew what she ment.

Brie: Let's go shopping.

~Timeskip to the Arena~

After Scott and Alexis arrived at the arena scott hopped in shower to freshen up and that gave Alexis enough time to go talk to Stephanie. She quietly left the locker room and walked down the hallway to find the boss's office. Alexis knocked on the door.

Steph: Come in!

Alexis:*walks in and stands at the desk* Hey Stephanie!

Steph: Hello Alexis, How can I help you.

Alexis: I come to let you know that I need some time off.

Stephanie: Are you injured?

Alexis: No but I need to talk to Scott before anyone else knows. This is just more of a heads up.

Steph: I will let managment know and also to keep it on the down low til Scott knows.

Alexis: Thank you for everything Steph.

They hugged once more before Alexis went back to the locker room and seen Scott looking at his phone. She took his phone  and tossed it on to the couch before she hopped in his lap and pulled I'm into a very passionate kiss. After she pulled away she smiled to see that she had Scott's full attention now. She laid her head on his shoulder as the two just embraced each other.

Scott: your a lot happier than usual.

Alexis: Well it's because of you.

Scott: What did I do?

Alexis: Just being you, by the way I am taking some time off from wrestling.

Scott: *shocked* What?! Why?

Alexis: Can we talk about it when we get back home? I want it to be a surprise.

Scott: *confused* of course.

Alexis turned around and sat on Scott's lap as the show was starting. Scott wrapped his arms around Alexis and she couldn't help but smile.

~Final segment of the show~

Scott was standing in gorilla as he watched on the screen as Vince was standing out in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand.

Vince: Last Sunday I told the Reaper that he was going to learn some respect. So he watched as his fiancee lost the tag team championship and he was suppose to lose the Universal championship as well, but the fiend ruined all that. I'm out here to call Scott out to this ring right now.

Sin with A Grin started to play as Scott walked out to the stage. He walked down to the ring and began walking around the outside. The fans began a loud chant that made Scott smile.


Scott climbed in the ring and before Vince could talk he ripped the microphone from his hands. Vince was not happy that Scott was still not showing any respect. Vince walked to the corner of the ring and was handed another microphone.

Scott: Do you come out here to listen to yourself talk, because I know that these people don't want to hear it.

Vince: You should watch your mouth because you shouldn't even be champion right now.

Scott: *Raises the championship* Yet here I stand. You know Vince, you should be grateful.

Vince: Grateful? Why should I be grateful?

Scott: You should be grateful that I  am not knocking your teeth down your throat for trying to screw me over at No Mercy.

Vince: If you lay on hand on me then you will be sorry. 

Scott: What are you going to do? 

Vince: Shut Up! 

Scott: *Smirks* 

Vince: The reason I called you out here is because the next Pay Per View is Survivor Series. So I am here to tell you just watch match you will be in at survivor series. 

Scott: How many people are you going to stack up against me this time?  six, seven. 

Vince: No it's going to be a classic survivor series team. Team Reaper vs Team McMahon. That is if you can find anyone to join your team. 

Vince walked out of the ring and Scott watched as Vince was saying something that he couldn't hear. Scott was about to leave the ring when Shield's music began to play. Scott looked around the audience until he seen the hounds coming to the ring. Scott pulled his championship from his waist and held it up ready to start swinging. The shield began to surround the ring and slowly climb the apron. Scott backed toward the ropes that was unoccupied. The shield rushed him and began the beat down of Scott. They stomped him into the mat before pulling him out of the ring and driving him through the announcer's table. 

Scott laid motionless outside the ring as the shield walked up the ramp as Hellfire began to play through the arena. Shaemus came running down the ramp with the Money in the Bank and a referee. He walked over to Scott and rolled him in the ring before handing the referee the briefcase. 

Ring Announcer: Shaemus is cashing in his Money In the Bank Contract! The following contest is for the Universal Championship. 

The referee waited for Scott to stand up before ringing the bell. Scott walked right into the Brogue kick before Shaemus covered him for the pin. The ref handed Shaemus the championship as Scott laid there looking up at the ceiling. After the show went off the air, Scott made his way to the back as the fans were clapping for him. He walked through the curtains to see his goddess waiting for him. The two of them embraced as the road crew took a photo of the two. 

~Back at the hotel~ 

When they walked into the room Scott left his bags by door and he walked over to collapse on the bed. Alexis walked over to the bed and started to rub Scott's back as she could feel all the tension that he had. Scott could feel the stress just melt away from his fiancee's touch. After about thirty minutes Alexis climbed into the bed as Scott pulled her close and it made her smile when Scott rested his hand on her tummy   

The Day We Met (Alexa Bliss X OC) (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora