Chapter 5

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She followed me out after a second. I stopped when I heard her open the door. She sprinted towards me, stopping not too distant from me. She held out the $100. "Mark, I can't take this," she said, panting from running.

Confusion clouded over me. "Why not? You deserve it for all your efforts you put into it."

"It's not even that good of a painting though..."

"Oh be quiet, (f/n)," I grinned at her, chuckling. She smiled a little, "Well then, thanks I guess."

She began to walk away. I put the painting into the back of my vehicle, getting in the front seat afterwards. When I closed the door, I saw a man pull her inside.

It was the same man I saw her with the first time I saw her store. Maybe they were dating? I wasn't really sure.

I drove away, thinking about the man. He had looked angry. Surely the guy wasn't mad about her talking to me. That'd be ridiculous.

When I got home, I found a place to hang up the painting in my recording room. I looked at it, admiring the work (f/n) had put into it.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. As I got it out, I saw the number was a number I'd never seen before. It was a text message, so I opened it and saw a painting of the Eiffel Tower. The painting truly was beautiful. It was my favorite so far. It was night, the stars out and the moon high in the sky. Roses were spread out in front of it. The colors truly went together. You saw the text from the sender. It read:

Hey, Mark, it's (f/n). I'm just sending you some pictures of my art, like you asked me to.

I texted her back:

No way, you did not paint that Eiffel Tower. That is the best so far.

She only responded with more pictures of her art. I admired them, but I always looked back at the Eiffel Tower one. It was pretty freaking cool.

She finally texted back:

Haha, yes I did actually. And thank you, it's my favorite painting. I'd love to go to Paris one day and see it.

She was responding to my Eiffel Tower text. I didn't text her back, it was late and I figured she'd want to sleep.

Mark's POV: A Difference (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now