Bandog frowned. "You two really need to let up on Wiseman and Hawkins. They didn't have to take us in, but they did. I wasn't too happy with the arrangement, either, but they could have already shipped you off to Tyler Island to die with the rest of Spare. Or what was left of them, anyways," he said to her. "All I'm saying is that you all should be grateful to them. Without their help, you'd still be stuck fixing up planes for lowlife criminals that don't care one way or the other about you."

She let out an irritated huff. "Whatever. You can think what you'd like about them. All I know is that if it wasn't for the air force, I wouldn't even be here in the first place," Mead answered him sharply. "This isn't my fight, but I'm going because I've got nowhere else to. I may have chosen it this time around, but I don't have to be happy about it."

A short silence fell over them as they approached their companions. Bandog would very much have liked to continue arguing with her, believing completely that she and the other convicts had only been there as a result of their own actions. They redeemed themselves and earned their right to go free, Bandog wouldn't say anything against that, but they still had a chip on their shoulder. Bandog wasn't really in a position to criticize them for that, but at least he could lay his blame where it actually belonged instead of on people who had spent the last few months helping him. Still, he'd learned that Mead was stubborn, perhaps even more than the others were, and arguing any more would just be pointless and exhausting. So he kept his mouth shut.

Once they reached the others, Sarge immediately broke away from Húxiān (who had crouched down to pet her) and snatched her ball up, racing over to Bandog. He reached down to scratch her behind the ears, earning a tail wag from her, before he wrestled the ball free from her mouth and threw it as far as she could. Without any hesitation, she raced off after it, carefully maneuvering between Húxiān and the rest of the pilots as she did. Húxiān and Trigger both laughed.

"That dog of yours is somethin' else, Bandog," Húxiān said, shaking her head. When she noticed the half-hearted smile he gave her, then the look on Mead's face, her own smile faded. "I take it from the depressing looks, you've both finished packing up?"

The two of them nodded and Tabloid gave them a surprised look. "Wow. That didn't feel like very long at all," he said, looking to Mead. His usual, annoyingly cheerful demeanor faded fast as he let out a sigh and asked her, "So, does that mean you'll be leaving right away?"

Mead glanced at Bandog with disapproval and shrugged. "Considering that Bandog still has to catch that mutt of his, we've probably got a few minutes," she said to him. She gave his shoulder a gentle, playful punch and smirked, her eyes lighting up. "Aw, cheer up, Tabloid."

He tried for a small smile, but it wasn't much compared to his usual grin. Everyone, except for Bandog, gave him a sympathetic look. Bandog was just tired of watching these two act the way they did, all the time. Still, it was nice to know that Mead wasn't completely made of stone. She had the patience to handle Tabloid, Trigger, and Count, and an obvious soft spot for Tabloid. But she still hated Bandog, and the others just barely trusted him. He wasn't going to come around that easily.

While he watched Mead continue talking with Tabloid before Trigger and Count started to say their own goodbyes, Bandog quickly took notice of Húxiān's subdued expression and how quiet she suddenly was. He looked over at her curiously and raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're going to get all sappy on me, too," he said, almost in a teasing tone of voice.

Húxiān was taken aback momentarily, but she quickly played it cool and scoffed. "Yeah, you wish. I ain't gonna miss you that much." Although it was a perfectly fair thing to say, Bandog felt a little offended by it. They may not have known one another for very long, but he liked to think they'd become fast friends, especially given their conversation a few days ago. She seemed to realize that what she said might have been a little too harsh and backed off a bit. "Okay, maybe I'll miss you a little. After all, you're takin' the dog with you. And you're the only other person besides Trigger who'll help me gang up on Count."

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