18//Goodbye for now

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Sierra's POV:

The ceremony ends and all of us pile off the stage to meet our families. Nate grabs my hand and kisses my cheek as we step down the stairs. Sara is right in front of me. I hear Loren, Cassie, Serena, and Austin behind me all talking. My mom runs up to me right as I step off the last chair with tears in her eyes. "Sierra! You're so grown up I can not believe it." All my friends laugh at how emotional she is. "Oh my goodness we need to get you guys in a group picture!" Austin and Serena stand next to each other with Cassie and Loren next to them, then comes me and Nate then Sara at the end. My mom clicks her camera many times before saying, "Ok! All done." "Wait can you get some of just us girls, me and Sara, and then me and Nate please?" Us girls line up posing for the camera and my mom clicks the camera more. Sara is relectant at taking a picture at first but finally gives in, "Oh fineeee just one picture." I pull her into a hug and wrap my arm around her. After she walks away to go find her parents. Nate says to me, "Finallyyy it's my turn." He wraps his arm around my waist and I return his gesture and my mother takes the picture. "Uh mom I know this may be weird for you but can you take one of us kissing? I love making memories." "Of course sweetie, anything for you and your lucky man." Nate grabs my face cupping it with his hands and I wrap my arms around his neck as we kiss. Our last high school kiss, wow. It seemed like just yeterday I was meeting him and so scared to talk to him, now we're graduating while in love and going to the same college. No more jealousy. He's all I want. I'm all he wants.

Poor Sara though... She is the only one without someone now. But half of that isn't true because she has me. She doesn't need a man to keep her happy. I know Trevor will always be on her mind but I also know he would want her to meet someone new and to fall crazily in love with.

We all head back to my house for an after party. We're all here. Serena and Austin heading to the University of Florida and Nate, Sara and I going to New York. It's the end of our path as a group. We'll still talk but high school is over and we're grownups now. We have to live our seperate lives.

There are so many people at the graduation party. So many of my aunt and uncles, grandpas and grandmas, and cousins. Everyone brought food and we're just having a great time. So many hugs and kisses and goodbyes and congratulations.

But it does come to an end. All the fun and games wrapped up. The clock struck 11 and everyone started leaving in their cars. The new chapters in our lives are starting, in all new directions. Goodbye for now.

Well it's been 6 months since I've been on wattpad. I kinda just gave up on this story. I'm sorry. Well this is it. The last chapter. Yep it's short but ya know I just wanted it to be finished and complete. Hope you've enjoyed this and sorry it took so long!

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